Thursday, November 24, 2011
Lessons Learnt
Anyone who has read anything I wrote knows that I rarely blog what is on my mind, but generally digest and then dissect what I see around me. I am fairly disappointed with the state of friendship in today's society, there seems to be an increasing level of "territorialism" being applied in this area of life. For what point? For what gain? Absolutely nothing. I just lost 2 girls I consider worthwhile friends in the longterm, simply because both parties are to immature to see why there is value or reasons in knowing both. One girl trains to the utmost and is exceedingly disciplined, my masculine side respects and enjoys that, the other is more relaxed and arty. Both connections appeal to my psyche. Yet the insecurities that are in their own minds twist the reality and reason behind the wishes to connection. In an ideal World all parties could have coffee, 1 to 1, 1 to 2, it would not matter. It makes me pained to have this experience over and over...
Saturday, November 12, 2011
How to get a Nice Ass Ver2
Without an Ass many Women and even Men lack shape (although I rarely have no interest in the Men situation, but it is still accurate). They lack the shape in Dresses, Fitted Pants, Bikini's, Hot Pants, etc. Many Women also are under a number of misconceptions regarding how to get a nice ass. This is evident in Training Programmes found in Gyms and the General Populations POV.
I have written the below; with some help by a number of my female friends; to help rectify this issue. They have been willing to provide examples of what a Good Ass looks like and how this can be achieved. Please note that this is not linked to any ethnic group or racial profile but certain populations have an advantage. I.e Latin or African American & African

Misconception 1: Squats make an Ass
A good ass is a consequence of Squats. Incorrect; Squats are an exercise that improve the amount of Muscle located around the Thighs and Hamstrings. Squats are generally undertaken by Athletes that require size and power. i.e Rugby, American Football. A programme with Squats will NOT give you a nice Ass, it will in fact give you a large amount of Muscle that will be without Shape and Droop. Squats ARE required to give the muscle size NEEDED to make a Nice Ass, however as the preferred size becomes apparent, the amount of Squats undertaken and weight lifted should be REDUCED. This requirement is due to the nature of constant stimulation of the lower body in day to day activity.
Misconception 2: Only African and Latin Women can have a bouncy round ass.
A nice Ass is a combination of 2 things; Appropriate Muscle Mass and Appropriate Fat Distribution. A person's genetic may play a part in getting to the result alot quicker, however it is nonsense to assume that being Asian and Western that a nice ass is beyond your reach. A proper training programme is required to reach this goal. Even if you have no Ass at all, this can be changed. It may take a period of time and cause a great deal of Muscle Soreness, but it will occur. (The above picts are actually Asian and Western)
Ass Test:
Firstly you need to give yourself the Ass Test. Now if you DONT have an Ass, you fail this test. Its for those who need tone and improve. Developing an Ass is a different approach.
To do this test, you need to understand the following.
A Nice ASS Bounces, it does NOT Jiggle like Jelly, or Wobble like Homer Simpsons belly.
It has a smooth bounce, when dancing or being spanked.
1. So to do this test you need to be Naked or in a Thong. You ass needs NO support.
2. Stand up straight, in front of a mirror or turn and look down and ur hip. (Twist from the waist)
3. Give your ass a nice sharp spank, and watch it moves. If it jiggles randomly in multiple directions and looks like someone threw a rock in a puddle, it definitely needs work. If it bounces smoothly, the same a when you smack muscle, then your on the right track.
Exercises to Improve your Ass. (Use Google Images or something)
1. Squats are a Joke. If you have an ASS, the doing SQUATS will make your ASS bigger. If you DONT have n ASS then DO SQUATS until it is present and then STOP. Unless you want to be "Like Woah"
2. Do deep Bulgarian Split Squats. Dumbbell or Barbell (3-4 Sets, 12-15 Reps per Leg, 60-90seconds Rest)
3. Do pelvic thrusts. (Similar to the pilates exercise, except the feet extended are further from the body. (Do 20-30 for 2-3seconds eac)
4. Do alot of toe touches to stretch the hamstring, a nice ass and legs have nice long muscles, they show firmness and leanness.
5. Throw in some deep, light weight, high rep Legpress. (20reps, 3sets)
Cardio for a Nice Ass:
When developing an Ass
1. Stick to a decent time Period on the Stepper. approximately 20mins per Session. Slow Speed
2. Do approximately 15mins Per Session on the Treadmill
When you have an Ass.
1. Do approximately 10mins Per Session on the Stepper
2. Do approximately 30mins Per Session on the Treadmill
Enjoy your bikini's
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Why do Relationships lose their vigor over the longterm.
The other day I was asked the question. "Do Men lose interest in their wives/gf's over-time?". The simple answer is generally Yes. The follow-up question is Why?
The 20th and 21st Century are periods of time that brought about a great deal of changes in the options for Women in the West. Prior to these changes they were mostly seen as silent partners in a relationship. These changes allowed for women to gain more independence and expand their interests. The problem is when Women generally enter a relationship they cut off numerous interests that they maintain and also a number of friends. In essence they mirror their male partners; friends, social agenda's, interests; forsaking their own. Prior to the 20th Century, this was considered the normal approach and would have been applauded by Mothers and Grand Mothers. However, this isolation and lack of independent identity creates internal conflict and frustration. In order to maintain a relationship headed in the same direction it is important to maintain 3 sets of interests and social connections; Hers, Theirs and His. This thought pattern is something quite difficult to accept and change. Since birth, and even during schooling Men and Women are often segregated in activities. An analysis of the Divorce Rate in young people will show this trend. The difficulty of this situation is it is quite difficult to develop the Hers and His identity while in an existing relationship, unless the activity is particularly feminine and/or masculine and the other party is secure enough to allow these developments.
The best approach is to consider what sort of interests you have, and wish to maintain. For example; I personally will NOT consider a relationship with a girl who does not work out. Not to the extend to which I mayself may train, but enough to know that she understands Goals, Discipline, Dieting, Muscle Soreness, etc. This is an important basis in a structure. The alternative point may be that a Woman may insist that her Man knows how to dance a structured dance. I.e Salsa, Rumba, Ball Room.
Sadly, given the age in which most people undertake their first serious relationship a large percentage of people, especially the women, lack the opportunity to develop their own identities. This failure to be actually unique and show unique combinations leads to insecurity due to a issue with being seperated from the crowd. This can be shown later in the habits of later adolesence and early adult life, people seek to differentiate themselves greatly; i.e tattoos, piercings, etc.
The root cause of this problem actually lays with the ignorance of the Government and Education system around us.
The 20th and 21st Century are periods of time that brought about a great deal of changes in the options for Women in the West. Prior to these changes they were mostly seen as silent partners in a relationship. These changes allowed for women to gain more independence and expand their interests. The problem is when Women generally enter a relationship they cut off numerous interests that they maintain and also a number of friends. In essence they mirror their male partners; friends, social agenda's, interests; forsaking their own. Prior to the 20th Century, this was considered the normal approach and would have been applauded by Mothers and Grand Mothers. However, this isolation and lack of independent identity creates internal conflict and frustration. In order to maintain a relationship headed in the same direction it is important to maintain 3 sets of interests and social connections; Hers, Theirs and His. This thought pattern is something quite difficult to accept and change. Since birth, and even during schooling Men and Women are often segregated in activities. An analysis of the Divorce Rate in young people will show this trend. The difficulty of this situation is it is quite difficult to develop the Hers and His identity while in an existing relationship, unless the activity is particularly feminine and/or masculine and the other party is secure enough to allow these developments.
The best approach is to consider what sort of interests you have, and wish to maintain. For example; I personally will NOT consider a relationship with a girl who does not work out. Not to the extend to which I mayself may train, but enough to know that she understands Goals, Discipline, Dieting, Muscle Soreness, etc. This is an important basis in a structure. The alternative point may be that a Woman may insist that her Man knows how to dance a structured dance. I.e Salsa, Rumba, Ball Room.
Sadly, given the age in which most people undertake their first serious relationship a large percentage of people, especially the women, lack the opportunity to develop their own identities. This failure to be actually unique and show unique combinations leads to insecurity due to a issue with being seperated from the crowd. This can be shown later in the habits of later adolesence and early adult life, people seek to differentiate themselves greatly; i.e tattoos, piercings, etc.
The root cause of this problem actually lays with the ignorance of the Government and Education system around us.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Economic Recovery and Employment Curtailed by Corporations and Naive Governments
Why is the Global Economy close to a second recession and why has the US Economy failed to recover? Simple. Democracy and Corporate Monopolies.
In order to understand how this might be possible, it would be good to understand how Corporations work in regards to Infrastructure development projects.
Example: A Government body decides that they need build a new airport. They work out the cost of investment and the number of jobs that will be created through the process. I.e 5000 Construction Staff. There are 10000 unemployed, but 5000 currently working in this same industry. So they estimate that half their unemployment numbers will be reduced by 50%, making it 10000 employed and 5000 unemployed.
Makes sense so far? sounds good?
Ok, the next step is to release the project to a Tender Bid. This is when they invite all the EPCM's to bid on the costs. The problem is, alot of these EPCM's have an existing workforce and engineering team and add the acquired work onto the end of their contract amounts. They may only recruit another 1000 staff because they use their existing teams.
Does this make sense?
In order to understand how this might be possible, it would be good to understand how Corporations work in regards to Infrastructure development projects.
Example: A Government body decides that they need build a new airport. They work out the cost of investment and the number of jobs that will be created through the process. I.e 5000 Construction Staff. There are 10000 unemployed, but 5000 currently working in this same industry. So they estimate that half their unemployment numbers will be reduced by 50%, making it 10000 employed and 5000 unemployed.
Makes sense so far? sounds good?
Ok, the next step is to release the project to a Tender Bid. This is when they invite all the EPCM's to bid on the costs. The problem is, alot of these EPCM's have an existing workforce and engineering team and add the acquired work onto the end of their contract amounts. They may only recruit another 1000 staff because they use their existing teams.
Does this make sense?
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Pisces and Capricorn Relationship (My experience)
This is one of the few Astrological Starsign Relationships I am completely familiar with; having been involved with numerous Capricorn Women and being a Pisces. (Strangely enough, my closest Male friend is also a Capricorn and there are a few other Pisces in the group).
The Capricorn/Pisces relationship is almost a perfect synergy, almost, but not quite.
Capricorns rely on a Pisces ability to be perceptive and push them towards their dreams, even if the Pisces lacks their own ability. Pisces often benefit from a large amount of attention from a Capricorn, this balances their vulernabilities and insecurities. Pisces are often forced to keep up with Capricorns in a social sense and this offers a Weakness in the relationship. Pisces are flirtatious similarly to Capricorns, but more shy when it comes to new situations. Capricorns are more likely to jump in straight away. This shyness in a Pisces often means that they shy from public situations (especially in Males).
Pisces are usually generous givers, this is greatly appreciated by Capricorns, who although are not materialistic in the sense of the Saggitarius cousins, who do appreciate some lavishness at times.
Capricorns generally repay the favours, as they innately feel a need to show their emotions through tasks such as cooking, etc. Capricorns are also greatly impressed by a Pisces abilities to absorb and understand a great deal of information. The ability to provide insight to foreign concepts impresses greatly. Although Pisces often get frustrated by the continual need to roll the ball (the ball being the Capricorn) and strive to create prepetual motion.
Weak Pisces and Capricorns are often a self esteem disaster as both have incredible lows and frustrations with those around them. Often the overextend in friendships about them and ultimately feel betrayed.
The Capricorn/Pisces relationship is almost a perfect synergy, almost, but not quite.
Capricorns rely on a Pisces ability to be perceptive and push them towards their dreams, even if the Pisces lacks their own ability. Pisces often benefit from a large amount of attention from a Capricorn, this balances their vulernabilities and insecurities. Pisces are often forced to keep up with Capricorns in a social sense and this offers a Weakness in the relationship. Pisces are flirtatious similarly to Capricorns, but more shy when it comes to new situations. Capricorns are more likely to jump in straight away. This shyness in a Pisces often means that they shy from public situations (especially in Males).
Pisces are usually generous givers, this is greatly appreciated by Capricorns, who although are not materialistic in the sense of the Saggitarius cousins, who do appreciate some lavishness at times.
Capricorns generally repay the favours, as they innately feel a need to show their emotions through tasks such as cooking, etc. Capricorns are also greatly impressed by a Pisces abilities to absorb and understand a great deal of information. The ability to provide insight to foreign concepts impresses greatly. Although Pisces often get frustrated by the continual need to roll the ball (the ball being the Capricorn) and strive to create prepetual motion.
Weak Pisces and Capricorns are often a self esteem disaster as both have incredible lows and frustrations with those around them. Often the overextend in friendships about them and ultimately feel betrayed.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Understanding Expats in Asia and their triggers/reasons/insecurities
Alot of people may dispute what I am about to write, but you know what? "Fuck them". You might question my arguement and validity, but at the end of the day, unless you have something strong back your views up with, you will have to conceed.
In order to give a fair viewpoint I should probably explain in brief my own background.
I was born and raised in Australia, I played alot of sport, went to a decent private school for my primary years, followed that to a decent mid-tier private school for upper studies before boredom made me transfer to one of the poorest "hardest" school's in the state. Crazy choice, now that is a regret. Anyway, so I failed highschool, went to tech-school, got bored, sat my university extrance exams and went to university. Along the way I became a drug dealer, partied alot, still hit the gym and played sport. In all this time, I paid attention to the media and people around me. That gives me some sort of experience in making this statement.
In the West (the US, Australia, NZ, UK, etc) a Male at school is applauded for having a great deal of athletic ability. Where as in the East (Singapore, HK, Japan, etc) the ability to count and be good at science is appluaded. These situations have an affect on the esteem levels of people. People in the West, especially males who are good at "non-athletic" activities are not applauded, people who take drama class I.e GLEE CLUB Nonsense are considered effeminate, just like the male cheer leaders in Bring It On.
In short, people who fail to succeed athletically develop insecurities and low self esteem. It is innate, if the school bully says "Move!" you Move. Whether it is when you are 15, or 35. Same with the school jock (Athlete). So basically these people are losers!. Sounds harsh!, but do we watch EPL, and Rugby and the NBA, or the NFL or chess and maths competitions? You know the answer. Thus expats take this personal atttiude and viewpoint of themselves to the places they relocate. They recieve attention from Women. Women they only imagined at school, Women they fantasied about. Thus they treat Women like Shit. They have no respect. Their level of Self Esteem complicates this ability to show Respect and be content. Their fears make the chase and swap partners regularly. Thus damaging the people around themselves. Just because someone is a trader or a banker DOES NOT MAKE THEM NOT A LOSER. If they are expat, trust me, when someone who is an athlete or confident walks past, they will be quiet. When someone challenges them; they will be quiet. Why? Fear and Memories of the way those "athletes" made them feel growing up.
I need to elaborate, but I am hungry.
In order to give a fair viewpoint I should probably explain in brief my own background.
I was born and raised in Australia, I played alot of sport, went to a decent private school for my primary years, followed that to a decent mid-tier private school for upper studies before boredom made me transfer to one of the poorest "hardest" school's in the state. Crazy choice, now that is a regret. Anyway, so I failed highschool, went to tech-school, got bored, sat my university extrance exams and went to university. Along the way I became a drug dealer, partied alot, still hit the gym and played sport. In all this time, I paid attention to the media and people around me. That gives me some sort of experience in making this statement.
In the West (the US, Australia, NZ, UK, etc) a Male at school is applauded for having a great deal of athletic ability. Where as in the East (Singapore, HK, Japan, etc) the ability to count and be good at science is appluaded. These situations have an affect on the esteem levels of people. People in the West, especially males who are good at "non-athletic" activities are not applauded, people who take drama class I.e GLEE CLUB Nonsense are considered effeminate, just like the male cheer leaders in Bring It On.
In short, people who fail to succeed athletically develop insecurities and low self esteem. It is innate, if the school bully says "Move!" you Move. Whether it is when you are 15, or 35. Same with the school jock (Athlete). So basically these people are losers!. Sounds harsh!, but do we watch EPL, and Rugby and the NBA, or the NFL or chess and maths competitions? You know the answer. Thus expats take this personal atttiude and viewpoint of themselves to the places they relocate. They recieve attention from Women. Women they only imagined at school, Women they fantasied about. Thus they treat Women like Shit. They have no respect. Their level of Self Esteem complicates this ability to show Respect and be content. Their fears make the chase and swap partners regularly. Thus damaging the people around themselves. Just because someone is a trader or a banker DOES NOT MAKE THEM NOT A LOSER. If they are expat, trust me, when someone who is an athlete or confident walks past, they will be quiet. When someone challenges them; they will be quiet. Why? Fear and Memories of the way those "athletes" made them feel growing up.
I need to elaborate, but I am hungry.
Friday, August 19, 2011
15th Century Views in the 21st Century Sphere: Men Viewpoints of Women
We often claim that we are living in the 21st Century, with 21st Century views that are applied equally across the board. However this is often inaccurate. Especially in regards to sex.
Sex is one of the few area's where Males and Females fail to see the big picture. This often leads to unhappiness and sadness for failure to understand the other parties aims and goals.
Males tend to have sex for a gratification attitude, to accomplish something, prove something to themselves. Sadly, this is fleeting, it cannot be quantified. In doing this they also fail to see the other value that a woman may offer them. By saying this, I am referring to networking, opportunity, education, friendship.
Whereas Females tend to have sex in order to find an opportunity, despite the fact that at times they contest this viewpoint. In having the sex so readily, they fail to appropriately "advertise" their other attributes to the males they choose. It takes an experienced male to recognise the other options, despite the lack of relationship prospects.
Sex is one of the few area's where Males and Females fail to see the big picture. This often leads to unhappiness and sadness for failure to understand the other parties aims and goals.
Males tend to have sex for a gratification attitude, to accomplish something, prove something to themselves. Sadly, this is fleeting, it cannot be quantified. In doing this they also fail to see the other value that a woman may offer them. By saying this, I am referring to networking, opportunity, education, friendship.
Whereas Females tend to have sex in order to find an opportunity, despite the fact that at times they contest this viewpoint. In having the sex so readily, they fail to appropriately "advertise" their other attributes to the males they choose. It takes an experienced male to recognise the other options, despite the lack of relationship prospects.
Define: Alpha Male
In this post I will seek to define an Alpha Male. There is alot of conjecture in society about what an Alpha Male represents and the characteristics they maintain. This distortion creates confusion for Males and misinformation for Females.
An Alpha Male is generally a Male of great Confidence and Dominance. The confidence is often based on Innate Belief Patterns. These patterns are heightened through learned experiences.
Primarily the confusion comes from the term "Dominant". Dominant does not mean; Possessive, Controlling, Forceful or Violent. It actually means that the dominant male expresses underlying pressure to make appropriate choices, whether they are present or not. This is generally a neutral or positive choices. The latter views generally relate to negative choices, that fail to build and rather subjegate. True Alpha Males seek lesser Alpha Females. They feel safer entrusting judgement and decisions with these personalities.
Alpha Males are generally quite sexual creatures, however this does not mean that they are "degenerate". If often means that we do not respect weaker parties around us, and continually change partners, we are somewhat seeking some balance. Alpha Males do not share partners with others, our confidence and attitudes make this idea quite appalling. Males who seek to share their partners are in fact Beta Males who require some form of control of a woman to feel stronger.
Alpha Males are generally respectful of parties and situations they feel equal to themselves. They also seek to aspire, and gravitate towards other stronger mentors, absorbing experiences and strengthening themselves and their approaches.
Alpha Males are generally quite rigid in their belief systems and are less likely sell out their ideals.
An Alpha Male is generally a Male of great Confidence and Dominance. The confidence is often based on Innate Belief Patterns. These patterns are heightened through learned experiences.
Primarily the confusion comes from the term "Dominant". Dominant does not mean; Possessive, Controlling, Forceful or Violent. It actually means that the dominant male expresses underlying pressure to make appropriate choices, whether they are present or not. This is generally a neutral or positive choices. The latter views generally relate to negative choices, that fail to build and rather subjegate. True Alpha Males seek lesser Alpha Females. They feel safer entrusting judgement and decisions with these personalities.
Alpha Males are generally quite sexual creatures, however this does not mean that they are "degenerate". If often means that we do not respect weaker parties around us, and continually change partners, we are somewhat seeking some balance. Alpha Males do not share partners with others, our confidence and attitudes make this idea quite appalling. Males who seek to share their partners are in fact Beta Males who require some form of control of a woman to feel stronger.
Alpha Males are generally respectful of parties and situations they feel equal to themselves. They also seek to aspire, and gravitate towards other stronger mentors, absorbing experiences and strengthening themselves and their approaches.
Alpha Males are generally quite rigid in their belief systems and are less likely sell out their ideals.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Damaged Goods: Self Repair for the Hangbag Generation
Daryl Brunt (c) 2010 Don't STEAL My Shit MOFO's (I need to re-write this and change the structure)
I guess I should start this Essay cum Book with some sort of Introduction, I mean after all, I am sure the are going to be plenty readers who are going to raise the questions "Why does this mere male think he knows so much about women?" and "What are his qualifications? Has he even got any life experience to make these statements". So yes, we'll start with my background. I know women, women of all shapes and sizes, races and nationalities. I won't raise my hand and say that I am a player or I have been a player, but I have had a number of adventures over the years, including a period of single fatherhood and during these events I have definitely taken to time to sit back and observe the dynamics of people and cracks within those around me. Ok, concede that I may have a clue.
People (Women) often make the statement that Men are the weaker sex, unfortunately, in my experience, I really dispute this. Yes, I agree that Men are somewhat weaker in the 21st Century than at any othertime in history and some Men are definitely weaker than Women in small numbers, but sadly Women are even weaker still. Ignoring that petty arguement it is obvious to see that the weakness in both Genders stems from their own personal self esteem issues. These self esteem issues create vulnerabilities and cause both gender groups to act and react in a different way. Women often seek to validate their lives by gaining the attentions of Men. Often this need is satisfied in a sexual manner, Men in turn also seek to validate themselves, and just like women, this is in a sexual manner. Often that, in regards to Men, represents a numbers game. Personally I would admit to this flaw, although I seem to have some control over this, though vulnerability still remains. In saying that, it should be considered that this essay/book is written from a Man's perspective in regards to women around him and Men will not be discussed in great lengths.
The 20th and 21st century brought society an explosion in the use of sexual imagary within the media; advertising, role models, image association and the like. Often these views were subconsciously pushed, although there is an awareness within behavioural studies about what effects these pressures cause within the recepients. Women in general usually gain their initial self esteem from their figure and physical representation, when this fails to deliver the expected outcomes, they question this first. This question is raised regardless of the realistic connection between the positive and negative situations.
The reason this is physical is often raised, generally by Women rather than Men is because of their measure of confidence. The 21st Century is a creation of Men; the Professions, the Goals, the Aims. All things are generally taken from a male perspective. In essence then, this also means that the tools for measuring confidence are also of male origin. Men tend to measure things in a less emotional, more tangible way. In other words, how something looks. If it looks bad, then it needs repair, or change, or adjustment, or replacing. Women tend to measure things in a emotional way; how things feel, or make them feel, or what they radiate.
[In the Development Stage, like a nice Dinner....marinating in my head :P]
I guess I should start this Essay cum Book with some sort of Introduction, I mean after all, I am sure the are going to be plenty readers who are going to raise the questions "Why does this mere male think he knows so much about women?" and "What are his qualifications? Has he even got any life experience to make these statements". So yes, we'll start with my background. I know women, women of all shapes and sizes, races and nationalities. I won't raise my hand and say that I am a player or I have been a player, but I have had a number of adventures over the years, including a period of single fatherhood and during these events I have definitely taken to time to sit back and observe the dynamics of people and cracks within those around me. Ok, concede that I may have a clue.
People (Women) often make the statement that Men are the weaker sex, unfortunately, in my experience, I really dispute this. Yes, I agree that Men are somewhat weaker in the 21st Century than at any othertime in history and some Men are definitely weaker than Women in small numbers, but sadly Women are even weaker still. Ignoring that petty arguement it is obvious to see that the weakness in both Genders stems from their own personal self esteem issues. These self esteem issues create vulnerabilities and cause both gender groups to act and react in a different way. Women often seek to validate their lives by gaining the attentions of Men. Often this need is satisfied in a sexual manner, Men in turn also seek to validate themselves, and just like women, this is in a sexual manner. Often that, in regards to Men, represents a numbers game. Personally I would admit to this flaw, although I seem to have some control over this, though vulnerability still remains. In saying that, it should be considered that this essay/book is written from a Man's perspective in regards to women around him and Men will not be discussed in great lengths.
The 20th and 21st century brought society an explosion in the use of sexual imagary within the media; advertising, role models, image association and the like. Often these views were subconsciously pushed, although there is an awareness within behavioural studies about what effects these pressures cause within the recepients. Women in general usually gain their initial self esteem from their figure and physical representation, when this fails to deliver the expected outcomes, they question this first. This question is raised regardless of the realistic connection between the positive and negative situations.
The reason this is physical is often raised, generally by Women rather than Men is because of their measure of confidence. The 21st Century is a creation of Men; the Professions, the Goals, the Aims. All things are generally taken from a male perspective. In essence then, this also means that the tools for measuring confidence are also of male origin. Men tend to measure things in a less emotional, more tangible way. In other words, how something looks. If it looks bad, then it needs repair, or change, or adjustment, or replacing. Women tend to measure things in a emotional way; how things feel, or make them feel, or what they radiate.
[In the Development Stage, like a nice Dinner....marinating in my head :P]
Smoke and Mirrors: Self Esteem, Respect and External Perceptions
Let me begin by stating the obvious, To a varying degree you are reading this book for the following reasons; You have LOW Self Esteem, You are a CURIOUS Person, You THINK that little peice of paper that says "Pyschologist" Entitles you to think you KNOW more than me and you wish to critique my views, or YOU thought this was a FAIRYSTORY, cynicism aside I am sure that there are a number of other reasons as to why you may read this, but to be honest; I plain don't care.
This book contains the views and experiences of one person, ME and will obviously be written from my own perspective. Accept it, Hate it, Deal with it. This book is So RAW that I will obviously need to edit it a few hundred times to make it acceptable to this PC Society that we live in; survive in. Example...Someone SHUT the DAMN Door, these little tweeting birds are REALLY getting on my DAMN Nerves!...Fuck, I've had a SHIT Month.
Okay, Self Esteem is defined as the the view one maintains of the self. According to Maslow's interpretations this view is affected by our hierarchy of needs. The more unsatisfied each of the components are, the worse our self esteem is as we view ourselves as incomplete or worthless. Sadly this view is somewhat simplistic. VERY Few people will ever achieve "self actualization", and trust me, when you get here, it's NOT as Cute and Pink as you might like; YES I am here, I skipped something along the way, I really don't know.
Respect is defined as the level of Respect that we maintain for ourselves and those about us; the stakeholders of our lives. Respect and Self Esteem are connected and I would argue; quite measureable. The HIGHER our level of Self Esteem then the HIGHER our level of personal Respect and external Respect and obviously vice versa. For example; A Professional Athlete generally has highlevels of Self Esteem and highlevels of Respect; where as a Drug Dealer and Crack Addict have low levels of both.
External Perceptions are defined as the view the outside world has on ourselves. This may appear to be irrelevant but infortunately it is the 3 main factor in the Trinity of a Secure Self. (Fuck that was awesome, I made that random shit up right here and now, aren't I smart?). Anyway, this view affects our levels of self esteem and respect. Why? Because the dominant society/culture about us DEFINES whether or not we have ACHIEVED. For example; A LV Handbag is marketed as a measurement of Success. Frankly that is stupid. Success is not measured by a label or 50c worth of PLASTIC Shaped like sunglasses.
So now that my three definitions are out of the way; those that will be used interchangeably and regularly through out this book, we can move onto pressing matters. Hands up who has a fat tummy, thighs, an ass or bad breathe? Ok, your FAT; lose some DAMN Weight and Brush your TEETH. Shit, thats harsh, was it? Really? No...what is HARSH is lying to yourself, those about you, and those you affect daily. Lying takes the form of MANY things. It can be actually spoken; verbally misled, physically expressed; overuse of MAKEUP, those STUPID Tights that HOLD your Stomach in or even through deliberate ignorance or distortion; ALCOHOL and DRUGS. Duh, you ever wondered why they were called "escapist activities".
Ok, now we have made some sense of these lies and there occurrences we need to understand WHY this matters in the big picture. Because when we LIE and build up an IMAGE we affect our self esteem, why so? because we forever worry that the image maybe dispelled and UNDERNEATH everything we have created; we are a loser. Ooh, Low Blow... Snap. I bet that made someone reflect; TRY the Mirror, it works better. For Example; when an OMG HOT Girl gives you attitude in a Club, 50% of the time you can get back to her with one word, mouthed slowly "Cellulite". Why? Because women through-out society are conscious of that one term, and generally have some. Thanks to magazines and the media this fat deposit is likely to be listed as one of the "Seven Deadly Sin's" for a woman to have physically. That and hairy arms.
Next on the agenda for Self Esteem would be "Residual Issues". What does "Residual" actually mean? Residual refers to the 'Left Over, or Left Behind'. For Example; Residual Waste is the waste products left behind. Or better Yet, for all the Dope Smokers out there; THC Residue>Residual is the LEFT over residue from smoking up when you should have been in school. Ok, now that we have got through down pat we need to understand the importance. If Residual refers to the PAST, then OBVIOUSLY Residual Issues are FROM out past but AFFECT our Present. Example; you WERE Fat, you ARE Skinny. Or a Better Example is; There is this BITCH (Male) Trainer at Fitness First in Murray St. He is quite muscular, but RUMOUR has it that he USE to be Chubby and Fat. So when I said "Hey move your FAT Ass" as a joke he took is PERSONALLY. Why? Because he has a RESIDUAL ISSUE. Ahaha.
Damn, I really need to stop eating this Honey-Coated Cashews...Im going to get FAT. What is next?
I am DAMN sure that there is another paragraph or definition that requires itself to be listed. But for the purposes of a smooth transition and writing before writers block gets to me I will continue. Oh yeah, Depression.
Depression is often a mental state that is developed through our own perceptions, these perceptions are generally of ourselves, how we percieve certain events or how we feel we acted IN certain events.
Depression usually manifests itself in the Physical. For example; cutting of the wrist, hanging, drug addiction. These Escapist events help deal with the pain. However Depression is linked strongly to the Residual.
Now the final two definitions, the ones I seem to hear most of all. Arrogance and Confidence.
Arrogance is defined (In my eyes) as the Guise of Confidence without Sustainiated History or Experience. In otherwords, you think you've got game, but you choke with big shots. Sorry Lebron.
While Confidence is defined as; an ability or talent that has a MEASUREABLE History. For example; Jordan and Bryant hit ALOT of Gamewinners and possess NBA Titles. Sorry Again Lebron.
Now I think the definitions are complete. Damn, thats alot of nonsense. Anyway, why does this all matter? Why does understanding this help? Because UNDERSTAND all of this gives you the ability to develop REAL Confidence, Avoid Issues in Life and Move Forward and Aspire.
This book contains the views and experiences of one person, ME and will obviously be written from my own perspective. Accept it, Hate it, Deal with it. This book is So RAW that I will obviously need to edit it a few hundred times to make it acceptable to this PC Society that we live in; survive in. Example...Someone SHUT the DAMN Door, these little tweeting birds are REALLY getting on my DAMN Nerves!...Fuck, I've had a SHIT Month.
Okay, Self Esteem is defined as the the view one maintains of the self. According to Maslow's interpretations this view is affected by our hierarchy of needs. The more unsatisfied each of the components are, the worse our self esteem is as we view ourselves as incomplete or worthless. Sadly this view is somewhat simplistic. VERY Few people will ever achieve "self actualization", and trust me, when you get here, it's NOT as Cute and Pink as you might like; YES I am here, I skipped something along the way, I really don't know.
Respect is defined as the level of Respect that we maintain for ourselves and those about us; the stakeholders of our lives. Respect and Self Esteem are connected and I would argue; quite measureable. The HIGHER our level of Self Esteem then the HIGHER our level of personal Respect and external Respect and obviously vice versa. For example; A Professional Athlete generally has highlevels of Self Esteem and highlevels of Respect; where as a Drug Dealer and Crack Addict have low levels of both.
External Perceptions are defined as the view the outside world has on ourselves. This may appear to be irrelevant but infortunately it is the 3 main factor in the Trinity of a Secure Self. (Fuck that was awesome, I made that random shit up right here and now, aren't I smart?). Anyway, this view affects our levels of self esteem and respect. Why? Because the dominant society/culture about us DEFINES whether or not we have ACHIEVED. For example; A LV Handbag is marketed as a measurement of Success. Frankly that is stupid. Success is not measured by a label or 50c worth of PLASTIC Shaped like sunglasses.
So now that my three definitions are out of the way; those that will be used interchangeably and regularly through out this book, we can move onto pressing matters. Hands up who has a fat tummy, thighs, an ass or bad breathe? Ok, your FAT; lose some DAMN Weight and Brush your TEETH. Shit, thats harsh, was it? Really? No...what is HARSH is lying to yourself, those about you, and those you affect daily. Lying takes the form of MANY things. It can be actually spoken; verbally misled, physically expressed; overuse of MAKEUP, those STUPID Tights that HOLD your Stomach in or even through deliberate ignorance or distortion; ALCOHOL and DRUGS. Duh, you ever wondered why they were called "escapist activities".
Ok, now we have made some sense of these lies and there occurrences we need to understand WHY this matters in the big picture. Because when we LIE and build up an IMAGE we affect our self esteem, why so? because we forever worry that the image maybe dispelled and UNDERNEATH everything we have created; we are a loser. Ooh, Low Blow... Snap. I bet that made someone reflect; TRY the Mirror, it works better. For Example; when an OMG HOT Girl gives you attitude in a Club, 50% of the time you can get back to her with one word, mouthed slowly "Cellulite". Why? Because women through-out society are conscious of that one term, and generally have some. Thanks to magazines and the media this fat deposit is likely to be listed as one of the "Seven Deadly Sin's" for a woman to have physically. That and hairy arms.
Next on the agenda for Self Esteem would be "Residual Issues". What does "Residual" actually mean? Residual refers to the 'Left Over, or Left Behind'. For Example; Residual Waste is the waste products left behind. Or better Yet, for all the Dope Smokers out there; THC Residue>Residual is the LEFT over residue from smoking up when you should have been in school. Ok, now that we have got through down pat we need to understand the importance. If Residual refers to the PAST, then OBVIOUSLY Residual Issues are FROM out past but AFFECT our Present. Example; you WERE Fat, you ARE Skinny. Or a Better Example is; There is this BITCH (Male) Trainer at Fitness First in Murray St. He is quite muscular, but RUMOUR has it that he USE to be Chubby and Fat. So when I said "Hey move your FAT Ass" as a joke he took is PERSONALLY. Why? Because he has a RESIDUAL ISSUE. Ahaha.
Damn, I really need to stop eating this Honey-Coated Cashews...Im going to get FAT. What is next?
I am DAMN sure that there is another paragraph or definition that requires itself to be listed. But for the purposes of a smooth transition and writing before writers block gets to me I will continue. Oh yeah, Depression.
Depression is often a mental state that is developed through our own perceptions, these perceptions are generally of ourselves, how we percieve certain events or how we feel we acted IN certain events.
Depression usually manifests itself in the Physical. For example; cutting of the wrist, hanging, drug addiction. These Escapist events help deal with the pain. However Depression is linked strongly to the Residual.
Now the final two definitions, the ones I seem to hear most of all. Arrogance and Confidence.
Arrogance is defined (In my eyes) as the Guise of Confidence without Sustainiated History or Experience. In otherwords, you think you've got game, but you choke with big shots. Sorry Lebron.
While Confidence is defined as; an ability or talent that has a MEASUREABLE History. For example; Jordan and Bryant hit ALOT of Gamewinners and possess NBA Titles. Sorry Again Lebron.
Now I think the definitions are complete. Damn, thats alot of nonsense. Anyway, why does this all matter? Why does understanding this help? Because UNDERSTAND all of this gives you the ability to develop REAL Confidence, Avoid Issues in Life and Move Forward and Aspire.
The Cost of a Safe Relationship
In psychology, Stockholm syndrome is a term used to describe a paradoxical psychological phenomenon wherein hostages express adulation and have positive feelings towards their captors that appear irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims, essentially mistaking a lack of abuse from their captors as an act of kindness
There are generally 3 stances that the human mind can adopt when faced with a situation that develops around them or they are confronted with. These are; Empathy, Sympathy and Apathy. At any given point we will choose to view our surroundings from one of these points.
These views are generally affected by our personal experiences and relations to a situation.
I offer the theory that Stockhold Syndrome actually can exist in any form of "relationship" that involves close proximity and has mininal influence or association with contrasting people/characters/events or situations. However this syndrome is likely to affect personalities that have a strong slant towards Empathy.
Empathy is defined as; which literally translates as in feeling, is the capability to share another being's emotions and feelings.
This view can thus be extended to and includes "Safe" relationships, relationships when a person who has low self esteem, insecurities and no abilities is considered an option for someone who has been hurt in the past.
The problem is, the person who has been hurt in previous relationships, is usually not strong enough to help fix this new persons life problems and raise them up, nor do they have enough of a Apathetic slant to use them as a rebound and discard before damage is inflicted. Instead they tend to adopt the views and self esteem patterns of the "Safe" person. This is dangerous as their own self esteem, security and self belief and ultimately standards take a huge battery and sink to lower levels. This becomes cyclical because they believe that the person they are now with, is their only choice. They continue to sink lower and lower and develop depression as paranoid feelings and attitudes become present. Eventually they accept and follow that "Safe" parties view on most situations and display a "Us" vs "Them" facade to those around them, seeking to avoid situations that may make them think or remember their past lives. After a period of time they tend to isolate themselves and associate only with those who are also of the same thinking.
This is basically emotional suicide and generally leads to depression, divorce and even legitimate suicide as their conscience becomes more self aware as the duration increases.
[This is a Draft :P]
There are generally 3 stances that the human mind can adopt when faced with a situation that develops around them or they are confronted with. These are; Empathy, Sympathy and Apathy. At any given point we will choose to view our surroundings from one of these points.
These views are generally affected by our personal experiences and relations to a situation.
I offer the theory that Stockhold Syndrome actually can exist in any form of "relationship" that involves close proximity and has mininal influence or association with contrasting people/characters/events or situations. However this syndrome is likely to affect personalities that have a strong slant towards Empathy.
Empathy is defined as; which literally translates as in feeling, is the capability to share another being's emotions and feelings.
This view can thus be extended to and includes "Safe" relationships, relationships when a person who has low self esteem, insecurities and no abilities is considered an option for someone who has been hurt in the past.
The problem is, the person who has been hurt in previous relationships, is usually not strong enough to help fix this new persons life problems and raise them up, nor do they have enough of a Apathetic slant to use them as a rebound and discard before damage is inflicted. Instead they tend to adopt the views and self esteem patterns of the "Safe" person. This is dangerous as their own self esteem, security and self belief and ultimately standards take a huge battery and sink to lower levels. This becomes cyclical because they believe that the person they are now with, is their only choice. They continue to sink lower and lower and develop depression as paranoid feelings and attitudes become present. Eventually they accept and follow that "Safe" parties view on most situations and display a "Us" vs "Them" facade to those around them, seeking to avoid situations that may make them think or remember their past lives. After a period of time they tend to isolate themselves and associate only with those who are also of the same thinking.
This is basically emotional suicide and generally leads to depression, divorce and even legitimate suicide as their conscience becomes more self aware as the duration increases.
[This is a Draft :P]
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
By Daryl Brunt, Feb 26th, 2007
This novel, though based both on factual and fictional events and characters is not intended to offend, but to merely show insight to the lives of drug dealers, thugs/players and the like and their attitude and ideas about certain things. It does no way reflect on the author’s own belief’s but merely tells a story like any movie or book does, but prefers to take a raw, graphic truthful approach. That includes sex, drug use, crime, violence and any other such issues that may arise. Thank you.
Requires Editing
[The italics at the beginning are one person telling another a story from history, like a soap-opera flashback]
Chapter1: Tuesday
Beep! Number busy, James looked down glaring at his mobile, “fuckin' bitch” he mouthed to himself, “if you think you can avoid me your confused”.
Searching through his phone book he looked intently, “where’s that damn house number” continuing his one to one conversation, “ahah, got it”.
Ring Ring, Ring Ring!
“Hello” the voice sounded distant, such a childish voice, “can I help you?”
“Yeah Tarryn, put that sister of yours on please”
“Ok, who may I say is calling?” replied Tarryn
“Tell her its Paul, you know her boyfriend, can’t you recognize my voice anymore”
“Sorry eh, I’ve got a head-cold, Jenine's been smoking in our room again…”
“Yeah, yeah” said James cutting her off, “hurry up eh, I don’t need to hear your life story”
“Fine, be that way”
Tarryn put the phone down and a few minutes later Jenine picked it up, “hey baby, missed you, when you coming…”
“Fuck you bitch, why you have to talk shit all the time, just because your man can’t take reality doesn’t mean you have to drag me into his issues and spread this shit” exclaimed James.
“Look, I’m sorry eh, I didn’t mean to…”
“Don’t fuckin’ apologise to me, forget it your just a stupid slut, and here I though we were friends, what a waste of my time” Roared James hanging up the phone call at the finish.
“And then what happened…”
“Well Paul and I were on the same team so…”
“Pass me the damn ball for god-sake, you trying to lose this game?” questioned James.
“Whatever, if I see you open obviously Ill drop it off won’t I?” stated Paul, glaring at the ground.
“Like hell you will”, muttered James, “hasn’t happened in the 1st 2 quarters why would you start now”
“The game continued, we were losing bad eh, I think about 15 points, enough was enough”
“That’s messed up, what happened after all this?”
“PASS! Me the ball” Shouted James from the arc, “For fuck sake are you blind?”
“Timeout, oi ref, timeout!” exclaimed Michael, “You two, this is bullshit, what’s going on”
“Fuck you, he knows what’s going on” said Paul pointing at James.
“Haha, don’t tell me your still cut over that shit” laughed James, “get over it seriously, it was before you”
“Fuck you seriously, you ain’t shit, I can’t believe you forced her to do that” roared Paul
“Oh I see, that’s what that sluts being saying, I forced her? Haha, wake up you fool, just because your bitch sucked my dick you got to go an’ have a cry? Fuck you, this was before you even knew her and ain’t no way in hell I ever forced her, ask her Girl, in fact ask everyone she did it of her own free will, I had my chance with her and kicked her to the curb instead, wake up you dumb fuck”
“You serious? You said that, didn’t he get all angry and shit?|
“Yeah of course he did, but fuck him, he’s nobody to me, just because his girl chose him second instead of having me, it ain’t my problem”
“Haha, I know baby, she wanted you, so what next?”
“Then he tried swinging, was a funny sight eh, except the rest of the team jumped on him, anyway, fuck that story and fuck him, that was a few years ago. I’m over that” said James looking over at Michelle who was sprawled half across him with the rest of her over the bed they were relaxing on.
“So baby, was she any good?”
“Any good at what?” laughed James watching Michelle’s hand trail up and down his stomach, her manicured fingernails dragging slowly.
“You know…”
“No baby I don’t, you know I’m all innocent”, teased James, “how about you show me”
“No, you know I don’t like that…”
“Well how the fuck you suppose to be better than her, when you acting all shy all the time?”
“Fuck you, you asshole” glared Michelle trying to untangle herself from him.
“Nah baby, fuck you” grinned James, pulling Michelle back up onto him and dragging his hand up the front of her panties, pressing against her clit. “You know, your real cute when your angry” Laughed James, kissing Michelle’s lips forcefully “Let me go…” squirmed Michelle
“Haha, you wish” replied James, a dominant undertone creeping in, with that final comment chopping off all conversation he suddenly stood up and carried all 51kgs of the kicking and squirming, squealing mess to the bathroom, where he dropped, in a un-ceremonial like manner, Michelle into the shower and then turned on the cold-tap full and stamped off down the hallway.
“Fuck you!” screamed Michelle, “that shits fuckin’ cold” her voice bouncing along the corridor between the bedroom and lounge.
“Sorry baby, I can’t hear you” replied James, turning up the sound on his stereo, “What was that? You Love me?” he laughed as The Games voice and the bass-line kicked in. ‘stupid bitch’ laughed James to himself
He then sat down, stretched out and relaxed, eyes closed, letting the music flow through him, feeding his senses as the subwoofer bounced slightly on the floor.
SPLASH! “What the Fuck” burst out James, sitting up, soaked from the chest up, eyes registering.
“Fuck you, haha” laughed Michelle in a cheeky expression, “don’t ever call me a bitch again” mop-bucket in hand running away semi naked.
“That’s it your dead” glared James getting up from his seat, “Your lucky this shits leather”.
He then walked towards the room, undressing as he went, “least I didn’t have those new boots on, then there’d be hell to pay”.
“Where are you?” he half yelled, pulling his singlet over his head and undoing his belt, letting his jeans full down. There was no reply, “I said where are you?”
“Why?” came the reply, “What you gonna do to me? Its not like you can kill me, haha” came a giggle from the bathroom.
“We’ll see about that” muttered James turning the corner into his ensuite, “Damn! Now why you gotta be like that?”
Michelle was bent, in such a way that her mother would slap her, over the bathroom bench, grinning in the mirror back at him, rolling her hips and wiggling her pert ass like she was up in the club, “Gotta be like what baby? Still wanna kill me?” sliding her index finger into her mouth and slowly biting the tip, lips closed around it.
James looked at the ceiling, as if in prayer, then moved up behind Michelle, losing his boxers somewhere along the way, “You know baby, you have the hottest ass” he grinned, leaning down and lightly kissing each of her ass cheeks, biting softly, then dragging his tongue up her spine to her neck, biting and running his fingers up her sides as he reached her nape.
“I know I do baby, and I know you love it, don’t you, Oh God yeah baby that’s the…” her voice trailed off and became a soft whimper as his finger bumped against her clit, then twisted it gently rocking left to right. James then moved up behind her and guided himself inside, the smack of his body against her was drowned out amongst the music echoing around them as the CD changed and 50c started blaring ‘Candy Shop’ down the hallway, as Michelle rolled her hips in unison to the tempo of the song back against his body, and the song drifted around James’ apartment.
Having somehow made it from the bathroom to the bedroom James passed out sprawled face down across his bed, Michelle sleeping across his arm cutting off the circulation.
* * * *
Ring Ring! Ring Ring! “Fuck where’s my phone, oi get off my arm for god-sake, you seen my phone” muttered James ½ asleep, “Fuck”
The muffled ringing was coming from where his pants had fallen earlier, “Woman! Get off my arm” said James, pushing Michelle off him and moving quickly to pull his phone from his pocket. “Fuck!” he exclaimed as it stopped ringing.
“Random missed calls” he muttered again, as he looked across at the still sleeping Michelle. “Hey who’s this?” he spoke in a sleepy voice into the phone, having dialed the number.
“Its Steve, you fool, what you doing sleeping at this time of day, wake up” came the sharp reply, “We on for tonight?”
“Tonight, yeah, hey, what day is it? Shit its Tuesday, sorry man, uni’s been taking my attention eh”
“Uni or that slut Michelle you mean?” came the mocking reply
“Fuck you, you know it ain’t like that, she just likes cock and doesn’t spend my cash” glared James waking up from his stupor. “What time tonight?”
“9 o’clock”
Ok 9, usual place eh, what’s the time now by the way”
“8.40!”Laughed Steve through the phone
“Fuck, ok ok, ill shower and leave, nah forget it, ill just dress and leave” Said James hanging up the phone.
“Michelle, where are my car keys?” questioned James to the semi sleep form
“MICHELLE! Where are my keys?
“Ho..w t..he sho..u..ld I kno…” came the mumbled reply
“Because you drove my freakin’ car today”
“Um..m, I thi…n..k they on th..e, um..m, on… th.e..”
“Forget it, stupid bitch! Ill find ‘em myself”
Five minutes later saw James sitting in his car glaring down at his empty registering fuel gauge, “that little Asian bitch, where the fuck did she go? Better hope I can start this at least”
*Sound of engine trying to start*
*sound of engine started*
“Thank God for that, hopefully I can at least get some fuel” bitched James listening to his engine turn over while leaning forward to switch his stereo on…
‘S.O.S. please someone help me.
It's not healthy... for me to feel this way
Y.O.U. are making this hard, I can't take it, see it don't feel right
S.O.S. please someone help me’
“What the fuck” as Rihanna’s voice bounced around his car, “Fuckin’ MICHELLE!” he yelled as he threw his car into 1st gear and the freshly ejected CD out the window.
* * * *
“Where the fuck have you been” Steve bitched as he jumped into the passenger seat
“Long story, don’t ask”
Silence took over for the next few minutes as James glared at the speedometer, taking his frustrations out on his gearbox until Steve snapped him out of his anger by saying “watch the gear changes for god-sake, you trying to ruin your car over that bitch”
“Yeah thanks man” replied James relaxing back into his seat, “who’s this shit for anyway? New customer or what?”
“Yeah, new customer, some Chinese guys, you should get along” laughed Steve flicking a switch and letting the passenger window down, “Given how much you love Asian pussy and fried rice”
“Fuck you, nothing wrong with fried rice” grinned James dumbly, “and besides I never seen you turn away any pussy before”
“Haha yeah, yeah, I suppose, anyway lets get to this spot and get this shit over and done with, you know I hate carrying this much gear around at any one time, oh, you got a lighter I lost mine” Steve questioned examining the glove-box in now open in front of him.
“You can’t fucking smoke in my car!” James interjected as Steve found a small lighter.
“Too late” Steve laughed lighting the cigarette and sitting back while leaning his left arm out the car.
“Fuck, fine, fine, just don’t get that ash on my car”
With that comment James dropped it back into third and weaved around the surrounding traffic, picking up speed as he deftly switched gears and motioned for Steve to chuck another CD in the slot.
* * * *
“Almost there” mentioned Steve, “Slow down eh, don’t want to miss the turn off”
“I hate this neighbourhood, its got the worst lighting, gives me the shivers”
“Haha, the shivers, a tough drug dealer like you, fuck you make me laugh” grinned Steve playfully. “Pull in here, this is the spot” pointed Steve to a dark car-park as James switched his lights off and eased his car up the drive-way.
“Where are they?” wondered James out-loud
“No clue, but they should be here shortly” replied Steve
As they sat there waiting windows partially down, the noise of a car stereo broke the silence. “What the fuck? Ice addicts? I thought you said these guys were dealers, not idiots” muttered James as a red 90’s release Supra turned into the car-park, neon lights glistening from the underbody, “Fuckin’ fools! Lets get this over and done with, they so fuckin’ noisy everyone knows we’re here”
Steve got out of the car and walked towards the supra as the driver wound the driver down, “You got the cash?”
“You got the gear?” came the broken English reply.
“Of course, ½ an Oz eh, 3200”
“What the fuck do you mean 2900, we agreed to 3200, that’s the price”
“Well things change, I only got 2900” which came out sounding rather nasal
“Fuck you then, forget this shit, I’m leaving”
“Man I need this shit, my boy’s were counting on it, come on man, 2900”
“Nah fuck you, what do I look like, a charity? I’m out”
“Hold up, hold up, ok, ok how about the 2900 cash, and 25 pills, green fish eh, that’s like 3500 together”
“Let me check with my boy” replied Steve, in obvious annoyance as he walked towards James.
“Can you move 25 pills by the weekend?”
“25? Haha I could move 250, yeah I suppose, just hurry up these guys seem fuckin’ dodgy”
Steve ran back over to the supra and sorted out the rest of the deal, then ran back to the car.
“Hurry up and leave eh, that chink in the backseats got some evil look in his eye”
“Yeah no doubt” James revved his engine, letting the clutch up and moved forward down the driveway and onto the side street. “Lets at least put some distance between us and them, fuck you know I hate it when I get stuck dealing with these dodgy addicts”
“Haha, don’t stress, fuckin’ crybaby” laughed Steve as the car-park grew ever more distant.
* * * *
“Oi stop by macca’s will you”
“Macca’s? Fuck that place, I thought you were on a diet you fat bastard?” replied James with a grin
“Yeah, I am, but I’m fuckin’ hungry, I didn’t eat like you”
“Nor did I”
“What you mean you didn’t eat, doesn’t that girl you got cook for you?”
“Sometimes haha”
“Yeah well, that’s your problem, right now, I’m hungry”
“Fuck you’re demanding” laughed James
“You should be use to it haha, considering you’re so whipped and all”
“Fuck you”
The McDonald’s drive through was crowded so they were forced to park up and walk in. “Damn queue, we won’t get fed at this rate”
“Nah don’t stress, see that short girl there, well me and her sister go way back, ill get you hooked up”
“Haha how far back?”
“Way back, anyway hold on”
“Yeah ok” replied Steve, who took the nearest vacant table. James returned a few minutes later and said “yeah it’s all cool, she’ll give you a free meal, then we can get out of here, I’m tired”
“Ha, tired or you want some pussy?”
“Tired, well…maybe a bit of both” laughed James
The McDonald’s waitress turned up a few minutes later with a tray full of food, and left without much of a comment.
“Damn that’s a lot of food” viewed Steve
“Yeah and its’ all for you, I don’t eat this shit” grinned James
“That’s ok, ill eat it all, not like ill get fat anyway, rock diet keeps me thin” laughed Steve
James sat there, gazing out the window watching the customers come and go and the rev-heads in the car-park try and show off to any girls that might be around, waiting for Steve to finish his food.
* * * *
James rolled up into Steve’s drive-way shortly before 12am and sat there letting his engine idle while Steve got out and grabbed his bag, making sure no-one was around in the near vicinity he through James a buddle of cash and a clear sashay bag filled with small green tablets.
“That’s your cut, and those tablets those damn chinks stuck me with are in there, get rid of at least 20 eh, I gotta pay some bills” Steve laughed with a grin.
“Bills, ha, is that what you call ‘em?” joked James, “yeah alright no trouble, Ill give you a call in a couple of days, if I don’t see you before, might play some pool or cards if your down with it”
“Sure give me a call or something, if I’m free” Steve said closing the door tight and moving away.
“Steve!” both James and Steve looked up to see Steve’s younger sister, Jenny, walking towards them, one of her girlfriends in tow. “Steve, can you take Maria home please, pretty please? She missed the bus and mum says to ask you”
“Nah, I can’t be bothered eh, besides I got no fuel, I’m sure if you ask James nicely he might drop her off” Steve looked at me and laughed, with that sort of ‘sucked in’ look on his face.
“Hmm” murmured Jenny, conferring with Maria. Getting bored with the process James revved his engine letting the throaty sound of the Integra engine bounce around the street.
“Quiet man, mum’s fuckin’ trying to sleep”
“Shit, sorry man. Decide girls. I’m tired and wanna go home eh” declared James.
“Don’t worry Maria, James is safe, I’ve known him since I was 8” James heard Jenny reply to Maria’s low spoken question.
“Yeah Maria” laughed Steve, “James won’t rape you so don’t stress”
“Fine, fine”, Maria finally spoken up, “Ok, ok relax, I’ll go with you”.
With that Maria got into the passenger seat previously occupied by Steve, shut the door and kissed Jenny’s cheek goodbye through the window. James then dropped his gears back into 1st and drove off.
“So where’re you from Maria?” James spoke as he turned onto the main street, “Hey wait a minute, where do you live?”
“I live in Midland, thanks so very much for dropping me home, I appreciate it so much, oh and I’m Greek” whispered Maria, in a somewhat sultry voice.
“Midland, damn! So far” exclaimed James looking out the window. “Fine, looks like I got no choice now”
“Thanks James, you’re so sweet” Maria replied
“So where’s your boyfriend? Why isn’t he picking you up?” asked James, taking in the view around him of Maria. Dressed in a short mid-thigh denim skirt and heels with a matching denim jacket and bright white halter top, she was a sight, he thought to himself, especially with those soft dark brown curls and big eyes.
“Umm, well him and I, we sort of on a break, I dunno eh, we going through a rough patch, I mean if I called him and asked him to come get me I know he would, but I don’t really want to see him right now” answered Maria
“Oh it’s like that is it” grinned James. “So how old are you?”
“Umm 17, why how old are you?”
“22, so you like driving fast Hun?” James asked as he turned onto the freeway and pressed the pedal to the floor, changing gears without the slightest pause.
“Yeah, sometimes. Why?” Maria’s eyes looked slightly scared as she glanced across at the dash and read the 150km/h reading as the car surged ahead gliding gently to about 180km/h, “Your car is fast”
“You like that?” James smiled as she laughed lightly, “Do you have your license?”
“Umm no, not yet, I mean I’ve done lessons but haven’t sat the test yet, why you going to let me drive? Haha” teased Maria as she relaxed more.
“Why not, you accelerate and steer and ill do the gears, and correct you now and then, besides it’s almost 1am, on a Tuesday, there’s no cars around to Midland” laughed James.
“Your crazy, but it’s your car” Maria giggled
James pulled up in the emergency lane and got out, shut his door and walked around to the passenger side; he opened it and motioned for Maria to climb over his gear-stick, getting a nice view of her young round ass as she did. ‘Nice’ he thought to himself.
“Hey I’ve got to take my heels off first, otherwise I can’t drive” Maria blurted out, lifting her leg up and accidentally giving James a nice view while she undid her left heel, which she handed to James, followed by her right. “Ok, now I’m ready, hey how do you adjust this seat?”
Instead of replying James leant across her and reached down between her legs and moved the lever, “This close enough?”
“Yes it is” Maria giggled as James moved back to his seat and got comfortable.
“You at least know how to start a car don’t you?”
“Of course, I’m not that dumb”
Maria turns the ignition and presses the clutch down, James slides it into 1st gear and feels his car jolt forward suddenly as Maria lifts her foot too fast and stalls it.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry” Maria cried.
“It’s ok, this time go slowly”
After another 4-5 attempts the car finally starts moving slowly but smoothly. “Ok babe, you can accelerate and at least get to fourth”
“Ok, I’m nervous”
“Just relax ok”
After another 10mins of slow driving Maria finally got the hang of it and felt more confident.
“James the steering is kind of heavy, can you help me?” Maria shyly asked, it was obviously hard given how short she was, squashed up against the steering wheel just to touch the peddles.
“Yes Hun, ill try” said James putting his hand at the base of the steering wheel
“Hey why is your hand there?” exclaimed Maria
“Because” James explained “Putting my hand there gives me the best control on the wheel ok” as his knuckles pressed against her skirt
“Umm ok then” answered Maria.
As the drive continued, James noticed Maria’s driving becoming slightly erratic and her breath changing. It was obvious to him that his knuckle was rubbing against her.
“Are you ok Hun?” He asked
“Sure, yeah, sure, umm, I dunno” was Maria’s response.
“Ok stop the car then and ill drive ok”.
Maria guided the car into the arm of the road and got out to get her breath. James then got out and walked around to her, “Are you ok?” he asked standing in front of her.
“Umm, yeah, I am” Maria softly said biting her lower lip and looking at James
As she turned to walk away James moved behind her and pressed her against the car, bringing his hand up her stomach and kissing her neck. “Please, don’t, oh God” Maria quivered as James other hand found her pussy and started stroking. He then felt her body pushing back against his as he kissed further down her neck and then spun her around and kissed her lips. With her mind still in a daze from the sudden rush and without any control James picked her up while kissing her and carried her to his bonnet where he pushed her face down and pulled her skirt quickly up, undoing his zipper he quickly pulled his cock out and her g aside, knowing her mind was teetering on reclaiming control from her body and thoughts of her boyfriend would quickly flood back, he pressed against her pussy and slammed into Maria deep while pulling her body back against him by her shoulders as she moaned in a muffled fashion “OMG” into the bonnet.
After the few initial thrusts her mind gave way to her body again and James could hear the “Fuck me, fuck me, oh my god, fuck me” echoing around the darkness and off the bonnet lid. James smiled pumping deeper then after about 5minutes pulled out and rolled her over onto her back, then looked down at her, “You want me inside you, don’t you baby?”
“Yes, fuck me please” Maria groaned staring up at James as he wrapped her legs around his waist.
Just as James went to slide back in he noticed a growing light in the distance from an oncoming truck, mouthing the word ‘shit!’ to himself he quickly pulled Maria back up off on the bonnet and into a seated position as the headlights engulfed the two of them, frantically pulling his boxers and jeans up with 1 hand, steadying Maria with the other.
“That was close” commented James to no-one in particular.
He took Maria’s hand and led her back around to the passenger seat and helped her in, and told her “Ill be right back” then shutting the door he trooped off into the bushes a few metres to empty himself. Making his way back to the car he reminisced on the nights events so far and thought to himself ‘this can only get better’ with a grin.
James’ car roared into life as he turned the ignition and turned back onto the ride, smiling inwardly he motioned for Maria to come a little closer, she did so, he then took her hand in his and placed it on his crotch, ‘Please don’t tell anyone, please, especially not Jenny, omg my boyfriend” she whispered, ‘Like I give a shit about your boyfriend’ James grinned to himself. “I’ve never done anything like this, never” she blurted out, as she rubbed slightly harder through James’ jeans, “I’m not like this, I’m a good girl”
“Don’t worry baby, it’s our secret, stop stressing and relax”.
James smiled and leaned down and kissed Maria’s lips while accelerating along the road, then guiding the car with his knee he reached down and undid his zip and let his cock slide into view, moving Maria’s hand across it.
A few moments later Maria was milking her hand up n down while James’ hand stroked the front of her panties, he motioned with his left hand for her to get up on her knees and lean across him “You sure?” She asked
“Yes baby, I’m sure, don’t stress I won’t crash, besides remember, it’s out secret”.
Maria let out a cute girlish giggle and leaned forward wrapping her lips around James as he took the corners with abandon, his concentration divided. ‘This bitch is hooked’ James murmured to himself.
“Wha..t di.d you s..a..y?” came Maria’s garbled reply
“Nothing baby, nothing at all” James answered pushing her face down slightly, “That’s it baby, keep going, that’s it”
Beep Beep! Beep Beep! Maria suddenly pulled her head up banging it against the steering wheel as she did “Ouch” Beep Beep! Her bag vibrated against the seat its ring-tone set low, “Shit that’s my mum” she gasped finding her breath. She fumbled for her bag, Beep Beep! “Mum, yeah, I know, yeah, ok ok, I’ll be home soon, missed the bus, look sorry” James grinned at the one sided conversation
“You in trouble?”
“Yes, it’s almost 2am, shit I’m busted” Maria glared pulling her skirt down and straightening her clothes back out, “Where’s my heels?”
“In the back, you’ll have to lean over” James laughed
Maria leaned over to get them and James conveniently took one last opportunity to spank her round ass lightly.
“Ow” Maria groaned
They rounded the corner and continued down the dark street. “That one” Maria pointed, “No that one with the white gates” as James drove past it.
“Shit sorry” he muttered as he reversed back up the road to the drive-way. “So we catching up sometime?” he asked as Maria got out of the car, shut the door and stood beside the car.
“Hmm, maybe, I don’t know, I’ve got a man”
“Yes baby you do, we won’t tell, besides don’t you want me against you hunni?”
“Umm, yes, I mean, I dunno, I guess so, I dunno”
“Well then call me” James teased through the window as he reversed into her driveway to turn around. “You’ve got my number”
“No I don’t” Maria replied biting her lower lip in hesitation.
“Here” James handed her a business card after rummaging through his glove-box. “Don’t ask, it was a joke, but the details are still right.”
Maria smiled and put the card in her handbag and waved good-bye, mouthing ‘thank you’ as James hit the pedal and turned his car back in a semi circle as he took off down the dark road, leaving Maria standing there looking at the fading tail-lights.
* * * *
James headed down the highway back towards the city, he watched the lights in the distance getting closer and closer as he thought to himself how interesting and unexpected his night had turned out so far. Beep! Beep!
“Damn it, at this time of night?” James mumbled to himself looking at his dash to make out the 2.27am reading while he fumbled for his phone in his jeans pocket, “16 missed calls and 7 msg’s, Whoa, I’m loved, addicts never sleep!” James remembered he had forgotten to switch his phone back from silent earlier. He pressed read and read down the latest msg displayed on the screen.
‘Sup man, any snow up where u are? tryin to get a ski trip oganized all nite, but every1 2 tired, get back 2 me if u still awake’
James grinned to himself, ‘Robbie you funny bastard, fuck this msg is a classic I’m saving this one’, he hit the dial key and pressed the phone to his ear listening to it ring, Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring! A sleepy voice finally picked up. “Hello…who’s that?”
“It’s James you idiot, why you msging me if your asleep?”
“Nah man, I’m not sleep, just resting my head, you got anything for a headache?” came the semi comatose answer.
“Yeah I do, not much left eh, but I got something that might help your head, oh got some fish as well”
“What colour eh? Not red? They so shit!”
“Nah green eh”
“Green…they was the best, yeah come past I’ll see how bad my headache is first”
“Yeah ok” James responded hanging up and dropping his phone on the passenger seat next to him in one motion then turning his stereo up a notch he turned off the next exit and headed towards the south side.
* * * *
As he got closer to Robbie’s house James decided he’d better give him a call and see if he was still awake. Ring! Ring! Ring! “Hello…”
“Yeah be there in 5mins, just checking you hadn’t fallen asleep or something”
“Nah man, its cool, I’m awake, ill wait for you outside eh, dim your lights or some shit, the missus is asleep.”
“Yeah, no drama” replied James, “Be there soon”.
“Yeah cool, see ya then” Robbie responded as James heard him hang up.
James drove at a slightly slower pace, not wishing to attract attention, having entered the back end of Cannington so late, it was times like these he thought to himself, that he wished his car was just a little bit quieter. Turning up a side street he came to an intersection where he stopped for a minute or two, cursing himself for forgetting the directions to Robbie’s “Damn it, this left or the next? Hmm, I guess Ill try this one”
He turned left and headed down the next street, “Oh yeah ok I remember, the vacant lot” he spoke out-loud in a low tone as he cruised along the road, “next right” he grinned as the directions came back to him.
Taking the next right he stopped a few houses up from Robbie’s and turned his lights off, reaching down he picked up his phone and pressed re-dial, before the call connected however he heard a low tap on his passenger window, looking across he could make out through the limo-tint a form of a man, presumably Robbie, so he lowered the window slightly.
“Took your fuckin’ damn time, didn’t you” came a voice
“Fuck you, I was in Midland” laughed James unlocking the door so Robbie could jump in.
“What were you doing in Midland? Drive down a bit eh there’s a deli at the end, been a lot of D’s around this area”
“Fuck you, why you telling me that now” glared James looking at Robbie
“Nah don’t stress eh, was a bust the other week ‘round the corner, but last few days it’s been cool”
“Fine, fine, lets just hurry up, I ain’t going to jail for this shit, how much you want?”
“Give me half a weight, and how much for those green lollies, 40?”
“Yeah 40’ll do” James said as he turned into the car-park of the corner store and stopped in the darkness near the beaten-up phone box. “Reach under your seat for me eh”
Robbie reached under the passenger seat and came up with a small bag with an off-white contents that he handed to James he took his wallet out and started counting bills as James took out the rock.
“Give me 5 lollies eh for the weekend, here’s the cash, $390 ok?” Robbie said slightly shaking as he handed James the money and took the 5 tablets and small sashay of rock, the withdrawal symptoms slightly evident to James. “You got a pipe?”
“Hell no, I don’t smoke that shit, so you wanna walk back or am I dropping you off” James questioned in obvious distaste at the idea he might have a pipe.
‘Nah man, don’t wanna trouble you anymore, ill walk back eh, sorry to ask, I should a known better” Robbie stammered
“Nah its cool man, just remember, I don’t smoke that shit” James laughed it off as Robbie got out of the car and shut the door, “Night man”
James drove down the car-park driveway and took off up the road, muttering to himself about how stupid addicts were and why they let themselves get so out of control.
The rest of the drive went by without much incident and about 10 minutes later James found himself turning into the driveway of his apartment complex. He waited with slight impatience as the complex gate gradually opened, then allowed his car to leap forward through the slight opening, almost taking his passenger window from the door. Chastising himself out-loud for his almost stupid mistake, he reverse parked his car then sat there listening to the soft purr of the engine before switching it off, while he collected his thoughts about the night’s events.
After a few minutes of relaxing back into his seat he got out of his car, locked the door and made his way up the footpath, then climbed the stairs to the top floor, where he opened his front-door and walked into another world, a world created by chaos, mess was everywhere, the balcony door was swaying lightly in the breeze and if he hadn’t have known better he’d have sworn his house had been ransacked. Taking in the view in front of him, he could hear the sound of Carrie Bradshaw’s voice arguing back and forth with Samantha about some art gallery owner or something resonating around the lounge-room, moving to the left enough to the see the TV James noticed the box of Sex and the City DVD’s spread around the floor, an upturned champagne glass beside.
“Michelle…”he started to say then stopped himself, looking down at his watch he checked the time 3.20am. ‘Fuck I can’t be bothered with this shit”
He moved towards the bedroom locking the front-door as he went. Turning the light on in his room, he blinked as his eyes adjusted, ‘Where the hell is that girl?’, he turned back and noticed a figure sprawled along the couch covered by blankets, ‘haha drunk’ he laughed to himself, James then moved back towards the couch where he knelt and took the champagne bottle from Michelle’s hand and stood it on the floor before picking her up in his arms and carrying her drunk form to the bedroom, where he dropped her lightly and then undressed himself and fell into a deep sleep.
Chapter2: Daniel
James woke the next morning with the worst headache, the few hours’ sleep he managed to get seemed broken by constant thoughts spiraling around inside his mind, causing him to drift in and out of proper sleep. Rolling over, eyes still closed he reached out with 1 arm as if searching beside himself for Michelle’s body. Patting around the bed he finally opened his eyes to the empty space beside him and decided maybe it was better to get up than try and continue sleeping. He laid back for a few moments, gaining the strength to get up, through the bedroom door he could make out the faint tones of mid-morning TV, the salesman’s voice rising feverishly as he pitched the latest gadgets. ‘I need some more of those sleeping pills from the doctor, I think’ James thought to himself, After a minute or to James swung himself out of bed and made his way in a half-asleep fashion to the bathroom where he stripped and stepped into the shower, allowed the coldness to wash over him, visibly waking him up. James then leaned against the wall and closed his eyes trying to focus his mind through the migraine-like headache.
“So you finally decided to wake up did you?”
The voice came from the door way, as James mumbled something incoherent.
“Poor baby, didn’t you sleep well? Want mummy to give you a kiss” continued the voice, gaining sarcastic overtones as the sentence grew in size.
“Quiet, I’ve got a headache, this shits not funny” James coughed
“Ok, ok, sorry baby” Michelle smiled, “Want me to join you?”
James smiled to himself, knowing that Michelle had no idea how cold the shower actually was that he was in, and nodded in agreement, watching her strip he took the sights in, her small pert breasts, tiny waist with a set of flaring hips, and after all a killer ass. Stepping back he allowed her to step into the shower, James then hugged her to his body and stepped forwards taking them both under the cold spray.
“You motherfuk…” came the garbled, water logged scream as Michelle elbowed James’ stomach.
“Haha, that’s not how a lady talks” James laughed, grinning like a school boy he spanked Michelle’s ass lightly then being too tired to play-fight he stood there as she adjusted the shower to a more appropriate temperature. James leant down suddenly, his head in his hands as he squeezed against his temples massaging softly, doing anything to relieve the headache.
“Poor baby” Michelle murmured, “Is it really that bad?”
“No…I’m just faking it, of course it is” James answered sarcastically, his annoyance visible in his face.
“Sorry, maybe you need to take some headache pills”
“Yeah, when I finish showering”
“Will it help if I washed you?” teased Michelle, kneeling down, in front of James, at the same time, running her longer finger nails up his legs then dragging them down the back length of his legs, allowing the nails to dig in and bite against the muscle as they traveled.
James leaned back and pushed his hand against the wall, giving himself something to balance on as Michelle’s tongue teased up his inner thigh and her lips opened and circled themselves around his cock, sucking gently she dragged her nails back up his legs while James’ other hand found her wet hair and ran his fingers through it trying to enjoy the moment. After a few minutes though, James pushed her away.
“Your not helping, seriously…I feel so fucked up” James said
“Sorry baby” Michelle murmured, looking up at him from her knees, she knelt there watching him step from the shower, take a towel and walk into the bedroom before she stood up and continued her shower, washing her hair and soaping her body.
* * * *
Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! James got up from the chair he was stretched out in and went in search of his beeping phone.
“Michelle! You seen my phone anywhere?” James shouted from the bedroom
“Never-mind, I found it” James yelled back, finding his mobile in his jeans kicked halfway under the bed from the night before. Luckily his headache had cleared well enough for his mood to have improved. He took the phone from his dirty jeans pocket and pressed unlock and ‘Read’
Hey cuz, Its Jess… Daniels arrivin 2days from melb can u pick him up for me? I got no fuel?
James shook his head, “Damn family members” he said out-loud to himself, “Always wanting something”. Glaring across the room towards the bed James shook his head, then thumbed a quick reply.
Yeah yeah what time is he arriving? Do I have to drop him off to your house?
A few moments of waiting was all it took for the reply to come through.
8pm yeah at my house thanks lov ya xoxox
Annoying James thought, walking back outside to the lounge, looking around for Michelle he switched the TV back on and sat down.
“Michelle! I have to go pick up Jessica’s boyfriend from the airport later”
“Aww, but you were supposed to take me clubbing tonight…” Michelle whinged.
“Yeah I know but things change, you go with your girls and ill meet up later if I’m done with this in time” James answered, cutting off the debate.
“I can’t stand that bitch!” Michelle grumbled, “She always wants something”
“Yeah I know, but she’s family, and I care about her ok”
James sat down on the chair, throwing his phone onto the couch next to him and sat the wondering what other unexpected events may happen today, he gave up thinking after a few minutes and reached forward and switched his PS2 on and threw in the NBA Live 2005 disc and started concentrating on the saved season he was continuing.
* * * *
An hour or two went by, James playing intently when suddenly Michelle heard a “Fuck! Fuck!” James swore out-loud throwing the controller across the room.
“What’s wrong baby?” She asked opening the door and peeking her head around the bedroom doorframe, nail file in hand, the smell of nail polish removing fumes following her.
“Fuck! I fuckin’ lost” James fumed, swearing at the TV, “That’s what’s wrong”
“Baby, it’s just a game” Michelle grinned closing the door.
“Yeah well, that’s not the point, fuckin’ Minnesota, how the fuck did they beat me” James yelled, looking at the door and back to the TV as the cartoon celebrations annoyed him.
“I can’t hear you” Michelle spoke back.
“Whatever” James mumbled, leaning forward and reseting the PS2. Ten minutes he gave up and switched the TV back to television and sat back, closing his eyes and trying to sleep, until he heard the bedroom door open up again.
“Baby, does this look ok?” Michelle asked walking in front of the TV to get James’ opinion on what she was wearing.
“Where are you going?” James asked, raising one eye-lid.
“Shopping, get my nails done, coffee with Crystal, does this look good or not? Open your eyes”. Michelle ordered
James sat up further, looking up and down he appraised her clothing choice, as she turned around in little circles like a ballerina on a jewellery box. Michelle was dressed in tight navy blue low cut pedal-pusher jeans, and a white tied-up backless top, with 2 ½ inch or 3 inch white heels on, the wooden type with the stiletto tip, he couldn’t quite be sure, with her hair in baby-curls.
“Where the hell you going? Shopping or a date? James muttered, a jealous tone creeping in.
“Shopping, don’t look at me like that; I did my hair for tonight. If! Someone was taking me tonight they’d know that” Michelle retorted, flicking her hair as she stormed around the couch. Stopping at the side of the chair she looked down at James.
“Baby, can I have some money? Please?”
“What happened to the money from yesterday?” James looked at her intently
“Well, you know, I had to buy this skirt and…”
“Fine, fine” James interjected cutting Michelle off, ‘Here, $50 enough? Well it better be, I don’t have any cash on me”
“It’ll do, thanks baby” Michelle smiled, leaning down and kissing James’ mouth, teasing his tongue with hers. “Bye baby”
James sat there looking blankly at the TV, shaking his head slightly side to side, ‘always wants to spend money that girl, why she always gotta spend mine’ he thought to himself before reaching across to his phone and sending a few messages off to a select few people about the pills that came into his possession the night before.
To be continued….
This novel, though based both on factual and fictional events and characters is not intended to offend, but to merely show insight to the lives of drug dealers, thugs/players and the like and their attitude and ideas about certain things. It does no way reflect on the author’s own belief’s but merely tells a story like any movie or book does, but prefers to take a raw, graphic truthful approach. That includes sex, drug use, crime, violence and any other such issues that may arise. Thank you.
Requires Editing
[The italics at the beginning are one person telling another a story from history, like a soap-opera flashback]
Chapter1: Tuesday
Beep! Number busy, James looked down glaring at his mobile, “fuckin' bitch” he mouthed to himself, “if you think you can avoid me your confused”.
Searching through his phone book he looked intently, “where’s that damn house number” continuing his one to one conversation, “ahah, got it”.
Ring Ring, Ring Ring!
“Hello” the voice sounded distant, such a childish voice, “can I help you?”
“Yeah Tarryn, put that sister of yours on please”
“Ok, who may I say is calling?” replied Tarryn
“Tell her its Paul, you know her boyfriend, can’t you recognize my voice anymore”
“Sorry eh, I’ve got a head-cold, Jenine's been smoking in our room again…”
“Yeah, yeah” said James cutting her off, “hurry up eh, I don’t need to hear your life story”
“Fine, be that way”
Tarryn put the phone down and a few minutes later Jenine picked it up, “hey baby, missed you, when you coming…”
“Fuck you bitch, why you have to talk shit all the time, just because your man can’t take reality doesn’t mean you have to drag me into his issues and spread this shit” exclaimed James.
“Look, I’m sorry eh, I didn’t mean to…”
“Don’t fuckin’ apologise to me, forget it your just a stupid slut, and here I though we were friends, what a waste of my time” Roared James hanging up the phone call at the finish.
“And then what happened…”
“Well Paul and I were on the same team so…”
“Pass me the damn ball for god-sake, you trying to lose this game?” questioned James.
“Whatever, if I see you open obviously Ill drop it off won’t I?” stated Paul, glaring at the ground.
“Like hell you will”, muttered James, “hasn’t happened in the 1st 2 quarters why would you start now”
“The game continued, we were losing bad eh, I think about 15 points, enough was enough”
“That’s messed up, what happened after all this?”
“PASS! Me the ball” Shouted James from the arc, “For fuck sake are you blind?”
“Timeout, oi ref, timeout!” exclaimed Michael, “You two, this is bullshit, what’s going on”
“Fuck you, he knows what’s going on” said Paul pointing at James.
“Haha, don’t tell me your still cut over that shit” laughed James, “get over it seriously, it was before you”
“Fuck you seriously, you ain’t shit, I can’t believe you forced her to do that” roared Paul
“Oh I see, that’s what that sluts being saying, I forced her? Haha, wake up you fool, just because your bitch sucked my dick you got to go an’ have a cry? Fuck you, this was before you even knew her and ain’t no way in hell I ever forced her, ask her Girl, in fact ask everyone she did it of her own free will, I had my chance with her and kicked her to the curb instead, wake up you dumb fuck”
“You serious? You said that, didn’t he get all angry and shit?|
“Yeah of course he did, but fuck him, he’s nobody to me, just because his girl chose him second instead of having me, it ain’t my problem”
“Haha, I know baby, she wanted you, so what next?”
“Then he tried swinging, was a funny sight eh, except the rest of the team jumped on him, anyway, fuck that story and fuck him, that was a few years ago. I’m over that” said James looking over at Michelle who was sprawled half across him with the rest of her over the bed they were relaxing on.
“So baby, was she any good?”
“Any good at what?” laughed James watching Michelle’s hand trail up and down his stomach, her manicured fingernails dragging slowly.
“You know…”
“No baby I don’t, you know I’m all innocent”, teased James, “how about you show me”
“No, you know I don’t like that…”
“Well how the fuck you suppose to be better than her, when you acting all shy all the time?”
“Fuck you, you asshole” glared Michelle trying to untangle herself from him.
“Nah baby, fuck you” grinned James, pulling Michelle back up onto him and dragging his hand up the front of her panties, pressing against her clit. “You know, your real cute when your angry” Laughed James, kissing Michelle’s lips forcefully “Let me go…” squirmed Michelle
“Haha, you wish” replied James, a dominant undertone creeping in, with that final comment chopping off all conversation he suddenly stood up and carried all 51kgs of the kicking and squirming, squealing mess to the bathroom, where he dropped, in a un-ceremonial like manner, Michelle into the shower and then turned on the cold-tap full and stamped off down the hallway.
“Fuck you!” screamed Michelle, “that shits fuckin’ cold” her voice bouncing along the corridor between the bedroom and lounge.
“Sorry baby, I can’t hear you” replied James, turning up the sound on his stereo, “What was that? You Love me?” he laughed as The Games voice and the bass-line kicked in. ‘stupid bitch’ laughed James to himself
He then sat down, stretched out and relaxed, eyes closed, letting the music flow through him, feeding his senses as the subwoofer bounced slightly on the floor.
SPLASH! “What the Fuck” burst out James, sitting up, soaked from the chest up, eyes registering.
“Fuck you, haha” laughed Michelle in a cheeky expression, “don’t ever call me a bitch again” mop-bucket in hand running away semi naked.
“That’s it your dead” glared James getting up from his seat, “Your lucky this shits leather”.
He then walked towards the room, undressing as he went, “least I didn’t have those new boots on, then there’d be hell to pay”.
“Where are you?” he half yelled, pulling his singlet over his head and undoing his belt, letting his jeans full down. There was no reply, “I said where are you?”
“Why?” came the reply, “What you gonna do to me? Its not like you can kill me, haha” came a giggle from the bathroom.
“We’ll see about that” muttered James turning the corner into his ensuite, “Damn! Now why you gotta be like that?”
Michelle was bent, in such a way that her mother would slap her, over the bathroom bench, grinning in the mirror back at him, rolling her hips and wiggling her pert ass like she was up in the club, “Gotta be like what baby? Still wanna kill me?” sliding her index finger into her mouth and slowly biting the tip, lips closed around it.
James looked at the ceiling, as if in prayer, then moved up behind Michelle, losing his boxers somewhere along the way, “You know baby, you have the hottest ass” he grinned, leaning down and lightly kissing each of her ass cheeks, biting softly, then dragging his tongue up her spine to her neck, biting and running his fingers up her sides as he reached her nape.
“I know I do baby, and I know you love it, don’t you, Oh God yeah baby that’s the…” her voice trailed off and became a soft whimper as his finger bumped against her clit, then twisted it gently rocking left to right. James then moved up behind her and guided himself inside, the smack of his body against her was drowned out amongst the music echoing around them as the CD changed and 50c started blaring ‘Candy Shop’ down the hallway, as Michelle rolled her hips in unison to the tempo of the song back against his body, and the song drifted around James’ apartment.
Having somehow made it from the bathroom to the bedroom James passed out sprawled face down across his bed, Michelle sleeping across his arm cutting off the circulation.
* * * *
Ring Ring! Ring Ring! “Fuck where’s my phone, oi get off my arm for god-sake, you seen my phone” muttered James ½ asleep, “Fuck”
The muffled ringing was coming from where his pants had fallen earlier, “Woman! Get off my arm” said James, pushing Michelle off him and moving quickly to pull his phone from his pocket. “Fuck!” he exclaimed as it stopped ringing.
“Random missed calls” he muttered again, as he looked across at the still sleeping Michelle. “Hey who’s this?” he spoke in a sleepy voice into the phone, having dialed the number.
“Its Steve, you fool, what you doing sleeping at this time of day, wake up” came the sharp reply, “We on for tonight?”
“Tonight, yeah, hey, what day is it? Shit its Tuesday, sorry man, uni’s been taking my attention eh”
“Uni or that slut Michelle you mean?” came the mocking reply
“Fuck you, you know it ain’t like that, she just likes cock and doesn’t spend my cash” glared James waking up from his stupor. “What time tonight?”
“9 o’clock”
Ok 9, usual place eh, what’s the time now by the way”
“8.40!”Laughed Steve through the phone
“Fuck, ok ok, ill shower and leave, nah forget it, ill just dress and leave” Said James hanging up the phone.
“Michelle, where are my car keys?” questioned James to the semi sleep form
“MICHELLE! Where are my keys?
“Ho..w t..he sho..u..ld I kno…” came the mumbled reply
“Because you drove my freakin’ car today”
“Um..m, I thi…n..k they on th..e, um..m, on… th.e..”
“Forget it, stupid bitch! Ill find ‘em myself”
Five minutes later saw James sitting in his car glaring down at his empty registering fuel gauge, “that little Asian bitch, where the fuck did she go? Better hope I can start this at least”
*Sound of engine trying to start*
*sound of engine started*
“Thank God for that, hopefully I can at least get some fuel” bitched James listening to his engine turn over while leaning forward to switch his stereo on…
‘S.O.S. please someone help me.
It's not healthy... for me to feel this way
Y.O.U. are making this hard, I can't take it, see it don't feel right
S.O.S. please someone help me’
“What the fuck” as Rihanna’s voice bounced around his car, “Fuckin’ MICHELLE!” he yelled as he threw his car into 1st gear and the freshly ejected CD out the window.
* * * *
“Where the fuck have you been” Steve bitched as he jumped into the passenger seat
“Long story, don’t ask”
Silence took over for the next few minutes as James glared at the speedometer, taking his frustrations out on his gearbox until Steve snapped him out of his anger by saying “watch the gear changes for god-sake, you trying to ruin your car over that bitch”
“Yeah thanks man” replied James relaxing back into his seat, “who’s this shit for anyway? New customer or what?”
“Yeah, new customer, some Chinese guys, you should get along” laughed Steve flicking a switch and letting the passenger window down, “Given how much you love Asian pussy and fried rice”
“Fuck you, nothing wrong with fried rice” grinned James dumbly, “and besides I never seen you turn away any pussy before”
“Haha yeah, yeah, I suppose, anyway lets get to this spot and get this shit over and done with, you know I hate carrying this much gear around at any one time, oh, you got a lighter I lost mine” Steve questioned examining the glove-box in now open in front of him.
“You can’t fucking smoke in my car!” James interjected as Steve found a small lighter.
“Too late” Steve laughed lighting the cigarette and sitting back while leaning his left arm out the car.
“Fuck, fine, fine, just don’t get that ash on my car”
With that comment James dropped it back into third and weaved around the surrounding traffic, picking up speed as he deftly switched gears and motioned for Steve to chuck another CD in the slot.
* * * *
“Almost there” mentioned Steve, “Slow down eh, don’t want to miss the turn off”
“I hate this neighbourhood, its got the worst lighting, gives me the shivers”
“Haha, the shivers, a tough drug dealer like you, fuck you make me laugh” grinned Steve playfully. “Pull in here, this is the spot” pointed Steve to a dark car-park as James switched his lights off and eased his car up the drive-way.
“Where are they?” wondered James out-loud
“No clue, but they should be here shortly” replied Steve
As they sat there waiting windows partially down, the noise of a car stereo broke the silence. “What the fuck? Ice addicts? I thought you said these guys were dealers, not idiots” muttered James as a red 90’s release Supra turned into the car-park, neon lights glistening from the underbody, “Fuckin’ fools! Lets get this over and done with, they so fuckin’ noisy everyone knows we’re here”
Steve got out of the car and walked towards the supra as the driver wound the driver down, “You got the cash?”
“You got the gear?” came the broken English reply.
“Of course, ½ an Oz eh, 3200”
“What the fuck do you mean 2900, we agreed to 3200, that’s the price”
“Well things change, I only got 2900” which came out sounding rather nasal
“Fuck you then, forget this shit, I’m leaving”
“Man I need this shit, my boy’s were counting on it, come on man, 2900”
“Nah fuck you, what do I look like, a charity? I’m out”
“Hold up, hold up, ok, ok how about the 2900 cash, and 25 pills, green fish eh, that’s like 3500 together”
“Let me check with my boy” replied Steve, in obvious annoyance as he walked towards James.
“Can you move 25 pills by the weekend?”
“25? Haha I could move 250, yeah I suppose, just hurry up these guys seem fuckin’ dodgy”
Steve ran back over to the supra and sorted out the rest of the deal, then ran back to the car.
“Hurry up and leave eh, that chink in the backseats got some evil look in his eye”
“Yeah no doubt” James revved his engine, letting the clutch up and moved forward down the driveway and onto the side street. “Lets at least put some distance between us and them, fuck you know I hate it when I get stuck dealing with these dodgy addicts”
“Haha, don’t stress, fuckin’ crybaby” laughed Steve as the car-park grew ever more distant.
* * * *
“Oi stop by macca’s will you”
“Macca’s? Fuck that place, I thought you were on a diet you fat bastard?” replied James with a grin
“Yeah, I am, but I’m fuckin’ hungry, I didn’t eat like you”
“Nor did I”
“What you mean you didn’t eat, doesn’t that girl you got cook for you?”
“Sometimes haha”
“Yeah well, that’s your problem, right now, I’m hungry”
“Fuck you’re demanding” laughed James
“You should be use to it haha, considering you’re so whipped and all”
“Fuck you”
The McDonald’s drive through was crowded so they were forced to park up and walk in. “Damn queue, we won’t get fed at this rate”
“Nah don’t stress, see that short girl there, well me and her sister go way back, ill get you hooked up”
“Haha how far back?”
“Way back, anyway hold on”
“Yeah ok” replied Steve, who took the nearest vacant table. James returned a few minutes later and said “yeah it’s all cool, she’ll give you a free meal, then we can get out of here, I’m tired”
“Ha, tired or you want some pussy?”
“Tired, well…maybe a bit of both” laughed James
The McDonald’s waitress turned up a few minutes later with a tray full of food, and left without much of a comment.
“Damn that’s a lot of food” viewed Steve
“Yeah and its’ all for you, I don’t eat this shit” grinned James
“That’s ok, ill eat it all, not like ill get fat anyway, rock diet keeps me thin” laughed Steve
James sat there, gazing out the window watching the customers come and go and the rev-heads in the car-park try and show off to any girls that might be around, waiting for Steve to finish his food.
* * * *
James rolled up into Steve’s drive-way shortly before 12am and sat there letting his engine idle while Steve got out and grabbed his bag, making sure no-one was around in the near vicinity he through James a buddle of cash and a clear sashay bag filled with small green tablets.
“That’s your cut, and those tablets those damn chinks stuck me with are in there, get rid of at least 20 eh, I gotta pay some bills” Steve laughed with a grin.
“Bills, ha, is that what you call ‘em?” joked James, “yeah alright no trouble, Ill give you a call in a couple of days, if I don’t see you before, might play some pool or cards if your down with it”
“Sure give me a call or something, if I’m free” Steve said closing the door tight and moving away.
“Steve!” both James and Steve looked up to see Steve’s younger sister, Jenny, walking towards them, one of her girlfriends in tow. “Steve, can you take Maria home please, pretty please? She missed the bus and mum says to ask you”
“Nah, I can’t be bothered eh, besides I got no fuel, I’m sure if you ask James nicely he might drop her off” Steve looked at me and laughed, with that sort of ‘sucked in’ look on his face.
“Hmm” murmured Jenny, conferring with Maria. Getting bored with the process James revved his engine letting the throaty sound of the Integra engine bounce around the street.
“Quiet man, mum’s fuckin’ trying to sleep”
“Shit, sorry man. Decide girls. I’m tired and wanna go home eh” declared James.
“Don’t worry Maria, James is safe, I’ve known him since I was 8” James heard Jenny reply to Maria’s low spoken question.
“Yeah Maria” laughed Steve, “James won’t rape you so don’t stress”
“Fine, fine”, Maria finally spoken up, “Ok, ok relax, I’ll go with you”.
With that Maria got into the passenger seat previously occupied by Steve, shut the door and kissed Jenny’s cheek goodbye through the window. James then dropped his gears back into 1st and drove off.
“So where’re you from Maria?” James spoke as he turned onto the main street, “Hey wait a minute, where do you live?”
“I live in Midland, thanks so very much for dropping me home, I appreciate it so much, oh and I’m Greek” whispered Maria, in a somewhat sultry voice.
“Midland, damn! So far” exclaimed James looking out the window. “Fine, looks like I got no choice now”
“Thanks James, you’re so sweet” Maria replied
“So where’s your boyfriend? Why isn’t he picking you up?” asked James, taking in the view around him of Maria. Dressed in a short mid-thigh denim skirt and heels with a matching denim jacket and bright white halter top, she was a sight, he thought to himself, especially with those soft dark brown curls and big eyes.
“Umm, well him and I, we sort of on a break, I dunno eh, we going through a rough patch, I mean if I called him and asked him to come get me I know he would, but I don’t really want to see him right now” answered Maria
“Oh it’s like that is it” grinned James. “So how old are you?”
“Umm 17, why how old are you?”
“22, so you like driving fast Hun?” James asked as he turned onto the freeway and pressed the pedal to the floor, changing gears without the slightest pause.
“Yeah, sometimes. Why?” Maria’s eyes looked slightly scared as she glanced across at the dash and read the 150km/h reading as the car surged ahead gliding gently to about 180km/h, “Your car is fast”
“You like that?” James smiled as she laughed lightly, “Do you have your license?”
“Umm no, not yet, I mean I’ve done lessons but haven’t sat the test yet, why you going to let me drive? Haha” teased Maria as she relaxed more.
“Why not, you accelerate and steer and ill do the gears, and correct you now and then, besides it’s almost 1am, on a Tuesday, there’s no cars around to Midland” laughed James.
“Your crazy, but it’s your car” Maria giggled
James pulled up in the emergency lane and got out, shut his door and walked around to the passenger side; he opened it and motioned for Maria to climb over his gear-stick, getting a nice view of her young round ass as she did. ‘Nice’ he thought to himself.
“Hey I’ve got to take my heels off first, otherwise I can’t drive” Maria blurted out, lifting her leg up and accidentally giving James a nice view while she undid her left heel, which she handed to James, followed by her right. “Ok, now I’m ready, hey how do you adjust this seat?”
Instead of replying James leant across her and reached down between her legs and moved the lever, “This close enough?”
“Yes it is” Maria giggled as James moved back to his seat and got comfortable.
“You at least know how to start a car don’t you?”
“Of course, I’m not that dumb”
Maria turns the ignition and presses the clutch down, James slides it into 1st gear and feels his car jolt forward suddenly as Maria lifts her foot too fast and stalls it.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry” Maria cried.
“It’s ok, this time go slowly”
After another 4-5 attempts the car finally starts moving slowly but smoothly. “Ok babe, you can accelerate and at least get to fourth”
“Ok, I’m nervous”
“Just relax ok”
After another 10mins of slow driving Maria finally got the hang of it and felt more confident.
“James the steering is kind of heavy, can you help me?” Maria shyly asked, it was obviously hard given how short she was, squashed up against the steering wheel just to touch the peddles.
“Yes Hun, ill try” said James putting his hand at the base of the steering wheel
“Hey why is your hand there?” exclaimed Maria
“Because” James explained “Putting my hand there gives me the best control on the wheel ok” as his knuckles pressed against her skirt
“Umm ok then” answered Maria.
As the drive continued, James noticed Maria’s driving becoming slightly erratic and her breath changing. It was obvious to him that his knuckle was rubbing against her.
“Are you ok Hun?” He asked
“Sure, yeah, sure, umm, I dunno” was Maria’s response.
“Ok stop the car then and ill drive ok”.
Maria guided the car into the arm of the road and got out to get her breath. James then got out and walked around to her, “Are you ok?” he asked standing in front of her.
“Umm, yeah, I am” Maria softly said biting her lower lip and looking at James
As she turned to walk away James moved behind her and pressed her against the car, bringing his hand up her stomach and kissing her neck. “Please, don’t, oh God” Maria quivered as James other hand found her pussy and started stroking. He then felt her body pushing back against his as he kissed further down her neck and then spun her around and kissed her lips. With her mind still in a daze from the sudden rush and without any control James picked her up while kissing her and carried her to his bonnet where he pushed her face down and pulled her skirt quickly up, undoing his zipper he quickly pulled his cock out and her g aside, knowing her mind was teetering on reclaiming control from her body and thoughts of her boyfriend would quickly flood back, he pressed against her pussy and slammed into Maria deep while pulling her body back against him by her shoulders as she moaned in a muffled fashion “OMG” into the bonnet.
After the few initial thrusts her mind gave way to her body again and James could hear the “Fuck me, fuck me, oh my god, fuck me” echoing around the darkness and off the bonnet lid. James smiled pumping deeper then after about 5minutes pulled out and rolled her over onto her back, then looked down at her, “You want me inside you, don’t you baby?”
“Yes, fuck me please” Maria groaned staring up at James as he wrapped her legs around his waist.
Just as James went to slide back in he noticed a growing light in the distance from an oncoming truck, mouthing the word ‘shit!’ to himself he quickly pulled Maria back up off on the bonnet and into a seated position as the headlights engulfed the two of them, frantically pulling his boxers and jeans up with 1 hand, steadying Maria with the other.
“That was close” commented James to no-one in particular.
He took Maria’s hand and led her back around to the passenger seat and helped her in, and told her “Ill be right back” then shutting the door he trooped off into the bushes a few metres to empty himself. Making his way back to the car he reminisced on the nights events so far and thought to himself ‘this can only get better’ with a grin.
James’ car roared into life as he turned the ignition and turned back onto the ride, smiling inwardly he motioned for Maria to come a little closer, she did so, he then took her hand in his and placed it on his crotch, ‘Please don’t tell anyone, please, especially not Jenny, omg my boyfriend” she whispered, ‘Like I give a shit about your boyfriend’ James grinned to himself. “I’ve never done anything like this, never” she blurted out, as she rubbed slightly harder through James’ jeans, “I’m not like this, I’m a good girl”
“Don’t worry baby, it’s our secret, stop stressing and relax”.
James smiled and leaned down and kissed Maria’s lips while accelerating along the road, then guiding the car with his knee he reached down and undid his zip and let his cock slide into view, moving Maria’s hand across it.
A few moments later Maria was milking her hand up n down while James’ hand stroked the front of her panties, he motioned with his left hand for her to get up on her knees and lean across him “You sure?” She asked
“Yes baby, I’m sure, don’t stress I won’t crash, besides remember, it’s out secret”.
Maria let out a cute girlish giggle and leaned forward wrapping her lips around James as he took the corners with abandon, his concentration divided. ‘This bitch is hooked’ James murmured to himself.
“Wha..t di.d you s..a..y?” came Maria’s garbled reply
“Nothing baby, nothing at all” James answered pushing her face down slightly, “That’s it baby, keep going, that’s it”
Beep Beep! Beep Beep! Maria suddenly pulled her head up banging it against the steering wheel as she did “Ouch” Beep Beep! Her bag vibrated against the seat its ring-tone set low, “Shit that’s my mum” she gasped finding her breath. She fumbled for her bag, Beep Beep! “Mum, yeah, I know, yeah, ok ok, I’ll be home soon, missed the bus, look sorry” James grinned at the one sided conversation
“You in trouble?”
“Yes, it’s almost 2am, shit I’m busted” Maria glared pulling her skirt down and straightening her clothes back out, “Where’s my heels?”
“In the back, you’ll have to lean over” James laughed
Maria leaned over to get them and James conveniently took one last opportunity to spank her round ass lightly.
“Ow” Maria groaned
They rounded the corner and continued down the dark street. “That one” Maria pointed, “No that one with the white gates” as James drove past it.
“Shit sorry” he muttered as he reversed back up the road to the drive-way. “So we catching up sometime?” he asked as Maria got out of the car, shut the door and stood beside the car.
“Hmm, maybe, I don’t know, I’ve got a man”
“Yes baby you do, we won’t tell, besides don’t you want me against you hunni?”
“Umm, yes, I mean, I dunno, I guess so, I dunno”
“Well then call me” James teased through the window as he reversed into her driveway to turn around. “You’ve got my number”
“No I don’t” Maria replied biting her lower lip in hesitation.
“Here” James handed her a business card after rummaging through his glove-box. “Don’t ask, it was a joke, but the details are still right.”
Maria smiled and put the card in her handbag and waved good-bye, mouthing ‘thank you’ as James hit the pedal and turned his car back in a semi circle as he took off down the dark road, leaving Maria standing there looking at the fading tail-lights.
* * * *
James headed down the highway back towards the city, he watched the lights in the distance getting closer and closer as he thought to himself how interesting and unexpected his night had turned out so far. Beep! Beep!
“Damn it, at this time of night?” James mumbled to himself looking at his dash to make out the 2.27am reading while he fumbled for his phone in his jeans pocket, “16 missed calls and 7 msg’s, Whoa, I’m loved, addicts never sleep!” James remembered he had forgotten to switch his phone back from silent earlier. He pressed read and read down the latest msg displayed on the screen.
‘Sup man, any snow up where u are? tryin to get a ski trip oganized all nite, but every1 2 tired, get back 2 me if u still awake’
James grinned to himself, ‘Robbie you funny bastard, fuck this msg is a classic I’m saving this one’, he hit the dial key and pressed the phone to his ear listening to it ring, Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring! A sleepy voice finally picked up. “Hello…who’s that?”
“It’s James you idiot, why you msging me if your asleep?”
“Nah man, I’m not sleep, just resting my head, you got anything for a headache?” came the semi comatose answer.
“Yeah I do, not much left eh, but I got something that might help your head, oh got some fish as well”
“What colour eh? Not red? They so shit!”
“Nah green eh”
“Green…they was the best, yeah come past I’ll see how bad my headache is first”
“Yeah ok” James responded hanging up and dropping his phone on the passenger seat next to him in one motion then turning his stereo up a notch he turned off the next exit and headed towards the south side.
* * * *
As he got closer to Robbie’s house James decided he’d better give him a call and see if he was still awake. Ring! Ring! Ring! “Hello…”
“Yeah be there in 5mins, just checking you hadn’t fallen asleep or something”
“Nah man, its cool, I’m awake, ill wait for you outside eh, dim your lights or some shit, the missus is asleep.”
“Yeah, no drama” replied James, “Be there soon”.
“Yeah cool, see ya then” Robbie responded as James heard him hang up.
James drove at a slightly slower pace, not wishing to attract attention, having entered the back end of Cannington so late, it was times like these he thought to himself, that he wished his car was just a little bit quieter. Turning up a side street he came to an intersection where he stopped for a minute or two, cursing himself for forgetting the directions to Robbie’s “Damn it, this left or the next? Hmm, I guess Ill try this one”
He turned left and headed down the next street, “Oh yeah ok I remember, the vacant lot” he spoke out-loud in a low tone as he cruised along the road, “next right” he grinned as the directions came back to him.
Taking the next right he stopped a few houses up from Robbie’s and turned his lights off, reaching down he picked up his phone and pressed re-dial, before the call connected however he heard a low tap on his passenger window, looking across he could make out through the limo-tint a form of a man, presumably Robbie, so he lowered the window slightly.
“Took your fuckin’ damn time, didn’t you” came a voice
“Fuck you, I was in Midland” laughed James unlocking the door so Robbie could jump in.
“What were you doing in Midland? Drive down a bit eh there’s a deli at the end, been a lot of D’s around this area”
“Fuck you, why you telling me that now” glared James looking at Robbie
“Nah don’t stress eh, was a bust the other week ‘round the corner, but last few days it’s been cool”
“Fine, fine, lets just hurry up, I ain’t going to jail for this shit, how much you want?”
“Give me half a weight, and how much for those green lollies, 40?”
“Yeah 40’ll do” James said as he turned into the car-park of the corner store and stopped in the darkness near the beaten-up phone box. “Reach under your seat for me eh”
Robbie reached under the passenger seat and came up with a small bag with an off-white contents that he handed to James he took his wallet out and started counting bills as James took out the rock.
“Give me 5 lollies eh for the weekend, here’s the cash, $390 ok?” Robbie said slightly shaking as he handed James the money and took the 5 tablets and small sashay of rock, the withdrawal symptoms slightly evident to James. “You got a pipe?”
“Hell no, I don’t smoke that shit, so you wanna walk back or am I dropping you off” James questioned in obvious distaste at the idea he might have a pipe.
‘Nah man, don’t wanna trouble you anymore, ill walk back eh, sorry to ask, I should a known better” Robbie stammered
“Nah its cool man, just remember, I don’t smoke that shit” James laughed it off as Robbie got out of the car and shut the door, “Night man”
James drove down the car-park driveway and took off up the road, muttering to himself about how stupid addicts were and why they let themselves get so out of control.
The rest of the drive went by without much incident and about 10 minutes later James found himself turning into the driveway of his apartment complex. He waited with slight impatience as the complex gate gradually opened, then allowed his car to leap forward through the slight opening, almost taking his passenger window from the door. Chastising himself out-loud for his almost stupid mistake, he reverse parked his car then sat there listening to the soft purr of the engine before switching it off, while he collected his thoughts about the night’s events.
After a few minutes of relaxing back into his seat he got out of his car, locked the door and made his way up the footpath, then climbed the stairs to the top floor, where he opened his front-door and walked into another world, a world created by chaos, mess was everywhere, the balcony door was swaying lightly in the breeze and if he hadn’t have known better he’d have sworn his house had been ransacked. Taking in the view in front of him, he could hear the sound of Carrie Bradshaw’s voice arguing back and forth with Samantha about some art gallery owner or something resonating around the lounge-room, moving to the left enough to the see the TV James noticed the box of Sex and the City DVD’s spread around the floor, an upturned champagne glass beside.
“Michelle…”he started to say then stopped himself, looking down at his watch he checked the time 3.20am. ‘Fuck I can’t be bothered with this shit”
He moved towards the bedroom locking the front-door as he went. Turning the light on in his room, he blinked as his eyes adjusted, ‘Where the hell is that girl?’, he turned back and noticed a figure sprawled along the couch covered by blankets, ‘haha drunk’ he laughed to himself, James then moved back towards the couch where he knelt and took the champagne bottle from Michelle’s hand and stood it on the floor before picking her up in his arms and carrying her drunk form to the bedroom, where he dropped her lightly and then undressed himself and fell into a deep sleep.
Chapter2: Daniel
James woke the next morning with the worst headache, the few hours’ sleep he managed to get seemed broken by constant thoughts spiraling around inside his mind, causing him to drift in and out of proper sleep. Rolling over, eyes still closed he reached out with 1 arm as if searching beside himself for Michelle’s body. Patting around the bed he finally opened his eyes to the empty space beside him and decided maybe it was better to get up than try and continue sleeping. He laid back for a few moments, gaining the strength to get up, through the bedroom door he could make out the faint tones of mid-morning TV, the salesman’s voice rising feverishly as he pitched the latest gadgets. ‘I need some more of those sleeping pills from the doctor, I think’ James thought to himself, After a minute or to James swung himself out of bed and made his way in a half-asleep fashion to the bathroom where he stripped and stepped into the shower, allowed the coldness to wash over him, visibly waking him up. James then leaned against the wall and closed his eyes trying to focus his mind through the migraine-like headache.
“So you finally decided to wake up did you?”
The voice came from the door way, as James mumbled something incoherent.
“Poor baby, didn’t you sleep well? Want mummy to give you a kiss” continued the voice, gaining sarcastic overtones as the sentence grew in size.
“Quiet, I’ve got a headache, this shits not funny” James coughed
“Ok, ok, sorry baby” Michelle smiled, “Want me to join you?”
James smiled to himself, knowing that Michelle had no idea how cold the shower actually was that he was in, and nodded in agreement, watching her strip he took the sights in, her small pert breasts, tiny waist with a set of flaring hips, and after all a killer ass. Stepping back he allowed her to step into the shower, James then hugged her to his body and stepped forwards taking them both under the cold spray.
“You motherfuk…” came the garbled, water logged scream as Michelle elbowed James’ stomach.
“Haha, that’s not how a lady talks” James laughed, grinning like a school boy he spanked Michelle’s ass lightly then being too tired to play-fight he stood there as she adjusted the shower to a more appropriate temperature. James leant down suddenly, his head in his hands as he squeezed against his temples massaging softly, doing anything to relieve the headache.
“Poor baby” Michelle murmured, “Is it really that bad?”
“No…I’m just faking it, of course it is” James answered sarcastically, his annoyance visible in his face.
“Sorry, maybe you need to take some headache pills”
“Yeah, when I finish showering”
“Will it help if I washed you?” teased Michelle, kneeling down, in front of James, at the same time, running her longer finger nails up his legs then dragging them down the back length of his legs, allowing the nails to dig in and bite against the muscle as they traveled.
James leaned back and pushed his hand against the wall, giving himself something to balance on as Michelle’s tongue teased up his inner thigh and her lips opened and circled themselves around his cock, sucking gently she dragged her nails back up his legs while James’ other hand found her wet hair and ran his fingers through it trying to enjoy the moment. After a few minutes though, James pushed her away.
“Your not helping, seriously…I feel so fucked up” James said
“Sorry baby” Michelle murmured, looking up at him from her knees, she knelt there watching him step from the shower, take a towel and walk into the bedroom before she stood up and continued her shower, washing her hair and soaping her body.
* * * *
Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! James got up from the chair he was stretched out in and went in search of his beeping phone.
“Michelle! You seen my phone anywhere?” James shouted from the bedroom
“Never-mind, I found it” James yelled back, finding his mobile in his jeans kicked halfway under the bed from the night before. Luckily his headache had cleared well enough for his mood to have improved. He took the phone from his dirty jeans pocket and pressed unlock and ‘Read’
Hey cuz, Its Jess… Daniels arrivin 2days from melb can u pick him up for me? I got no fuel?
James shook his head, “Damn family members” he said out-loud to himself, “Always wanting something”. Glaring across the room towards the bed James shook his head, then thumbed a quick reply.
Yeah yeah what time is he arriving? Do I have to drop him off to your house?
A few moments of waiting was all it took for the reply to come through.
8pm yeah at my house thanks lov ya xoxox
Annoying James thought, walking back outside to the lounge, looking around for Michelle he switched the TV back on and sat down.
“Michelle! I have to go pick up Jessica’s boyfriend from the airport later”
“Aww, but you were supposed to take me clubbing tonight…” Michelle whinged.
“Yeah I know but things change, you go with your girls and ill meet up later if I’m done with this in time” James answered, cutting off the debate.
“I can’t stand that bitch!” Michelle grumbled, “She always wants something”
“Yeah I know, but she’s family, and I care about her ok”
James sat down on the chair, throwing his phone onto the couch next to him and sat the wondering what other unexpected events may happen today, he gave up thinking after a few minutes and reached forward and switched his PS2 on and threw in the NBA Live 2005 disc and started concentrating on the saved season he was continuing.
* * * *
An hour or two went by, James playing intently when suddenly Michelle heard a “Fuck! Fuck!” James swore out-loud throwing the controller across the room.
“What’s wrong baby?” She asked opening the door and peeking her head around the bedroom doorframe, nail file in hand, the smell of nail polish removing fumes following her.
“Fuck! I fuckin’ lost” James fumed, swearing at the TV, “That’s what’s wrong”
“Baby, it’s just a game” Michelle grinned closing the door.
“Yeah well, that’s not the point, fuckin’ Minnesota, how the fuck did they beat me” James yelled, looking at the door and back to the TV as the cartoon celebrations annoyed him.
“I can’t hear you” Michelle spoke back.
“Whatever” James mumbled, leaning forward and reseting the PS2. Ten minutes he gave up and switched the TV back to television and sat back, closing his eyes and trying to sleep, until he heard the bedroom door open up again.
“Baby, does this look ok?” Michelle asked walking in front of the TV to get James’ opinion on what she was wearing.
“Where are you going?” James asked, raising one eye-lid.
“Shopping, get my nails done, coffee with Crystal, does this look good or not? Open your eyes”. Michelle ordered
James sat up further, looking up and down he appraised her clothing choice, as she turned around in little circles like a ballerina on a jewellery box. Michelle was dressed in tight navy blue low cut pedal-pusher jeans, and a white tied-up backless top, with 2 ½ inch or 3 inch white heels on, the wooden type with the stiletto tip, he couldn’t quite be sure, with her hair in baby-curls.
“Where the hell you going? Shopping or a date? James muttered, a jealous tone creeping in.
“Shopping, don’t look at me like that; I did my hair for tonight. If! Someone was taking me tonight they’d know that” Michelle retorted, flicking her hair as she stormed around the couch. Stopping at the side of the chair she looked down at James.
“Baby, can I have some money? Please?”
“What happened to the money from yesterday?” James looked at her intently
“Well, you know, I had to buy this skirt and…”
“Fine, fine” James interjected cutting Michelle off, ‘Here, $50 enough? Well it better be, I don’t have any cash on me”
“It’ll do, thanks baby” Michelle smiled, leaning down and kissing James’ mouth, teasing his tongue with hers. “Bye baby”
James sat there looking blankly at the TV, shaking his head slightly side to side, ‘always wants to spend money that girl, why she always gotta spend mine’ he thought to himself before reaching across to his phone and sending a few messages off to a select few people about the pills that came into his possession the night before.
To be continued….
The Governors Daughter…
Copyright © Daryl J Brunt
12th September 2008
The Governors Daughter…
Part 1: The Caribbean
Chapter 1
…The wind was blowing softly through the palms and the canopy of the nearby trees, as she lay on her back in the warm sunlight, tickling her body as it went gently by, like the feel of silk being dragged down her skin sensuously. Suddenly she looked up; the sense that someone was watching her worked its way down her spine and gave her goose bumps, yet a sense of fear mixed with excitement about the unknown. Her first reaction was to reach for her nearby dress and cover herself from the prying eyes, Rolling onto her stomach, she brushed her long slender fingers through her deep brown tresses, trying to work out if really had been, being watched or had simply day dreamt it.
Laying there for a few moments in the late afternoon sun, she considered the likelihood that anyone had actually discovered her hiding place in the sprawling estate gardens quite unrealistic. Biting her lower lip, her face displaying that look of disappointment and impish annoyance at not actually being discovered, she decided that it was probably just her imagination playing games in an effort to counter the boredom of the routine she was daily subjected to. Arching her back, and then pushing her delightfully shaped rear up into the air, Anne stood, first stretching like the young petite kitten she still was. Gathering her clothes, she quickly dressed. The knowledge that Papa and Mama were due home sometime in the hours before dinner quickened her movements. Anne knew she’d have to slip back into her room while the maid wasn’t looking. She grinned at that very notion, her eyes twinkling and laughing out loud to herself, this was all part of the game though wasn’t it.
* * * * *
James swore to himself as he finally exhaled sharply, ‘the silly girl almost caught you, you daft fool’, his own voice echoing inside his head, ‘and you call yourself a notorious buccaneer, hardly’. James grimaced as he relaxed his hold on the branch above him, shaking his hand he allowed the blood to flow again, he then adjusted his footing on the tree bough; the slip up had almost been more costly that James was willing to pay, thank God for the thickened canopy. Clearing his mind of these opinions he thought back to what just transpired in front of him. ‘The Captain is going to like this information, I better get a reward, and that girl…very exquisite and very delicious…’ James lowered himself onto the tree branch below and waited for the darkness of nightfall to surround him, the Captain had ordered him to work out how many guards there were surrounding the Governors mansion and what weaknesses there might be.
* * * * *
Anne quickly picked her way through the estate gardens and up the stonework stairs headed for the estate house, circling around the side she made her way towards where her bedroom was situated, looking upwards she could see that the balcony door was still open, obviously the maid hadn’t made the discover of her absence yet. She grinned as she remembered the other times she had snuck out of the house late in the afternoon to sunbake alone, the joys of being free of those intolerable skirts enough to make any possible punishment worth it, including being sent home on the next ship. Laughing she remembered her fathers comments about how dark her arms were, and the reaction to the bemused look she gave him as she stated ‘Obviously Papa, the darker shade is because I’ve been around the maid and coloured workers too much .’ Standing at the wall below the balcony Anne heaved her dress and shift up onto the floor above, then grabbed hold of the thick creeper vine running up the wall and scrambled up, a mischievous look came to her face as she remembered how her cousin Stephen had taught her how to climb the wall years before when he was visiting her for a few months, ‘oh the fun times they had and the jokes they played on the staff’.
Gathering her crumpled clothes off the terraced balcony Anne hurried through the open doors, turning around she gave the setting sun one last glance, the look of longing regret twisted her beautiful face, as the thoughts of having to return to the only choice she had, that of being a stiff, toffee-nosed upper-class daughter brought her back to reality, before she quietly closed the matching doors behind herself. Her voice, loud and clearly demanding, as she played her part and called out for the maid to come dress her, could be heard to echo around the room and even startled the sleeping birds that made their nest on the alcove above.
* * * * *
James waited until the cover of darkness had engulfed the estate before moving from his perch, the sound of birds chattering softly in the tree tops above and surrounding his hiding place gave the impression of safety and tranquillity, then softly like a house cat he climbed down from the concealed trunk on which he had stood the past few hours, upon reaching stable ground James stood upright and stretched himself, working out the kinks from his back, arms and legs, he waited for the blood to flow back into his fingers and toes before kneeling behind a shrub and concentrating on the target at hand, the mansion in the distance that was lit up like a beacon in the shadowy darkness around, somewhat expected given the preference of the rich for gaudy appearances. The eyes of the unseen audience would show a lean, well muscled man, around the mid 20’s mark, not exceptionally good-looking, but more the rugged look, the type that women felt drawn towards for some reason. The years as a ship’s boy before graduating to the rank of pirate evident in the way he was built and how he nimbly walked and carried himself, like an acrobat on a tight rope.
James quietly moved from behind the shrubbery that he had earlier been crouched; taking care to make sure that he kept any light, from the glow of the estate’s evening lampposts, between himself and the mansion’s outlying building’s, he made his way, in a somewhat cautious stoop, with soft deliberate steps, along the gardens edge and towards the mansion, paying close attention to any evidence he may leave behind him. As he got closer to the first building James reached down and loosened the small dagger that he had strapped to his waist before leaving the vicinity of the rowboat, the idea of startling some unsuspecting estate worker without being quite prepared was a recent memory of the last time he was chosen for this task, James swore and grinned as he remembered the enjoyment that night ended up becoming.
Creeping along the outer wall of the nearest of the buildings James crouched as he came across a window still ajar, the broken shutter evident as he took his time to gather his breath, he then peered through the nearby window, the missing glass allowing him an unobtrusive view, noting the excess of hay, and the foul smelling scent that wafted from within, James decided that this was most likely to be the estate’s stables or carriage quarters. Making a mental note to mention the abundance of combustible materials inside the building to the Captain, James moved along further until he reached the corner of the yard. Taking out a folded piece of tattered sail cloth from his pocket and some charcoal, James stepped back into the shadows, he then knelt down and unfolded the cloth, laying it flat on the firm ground beside him, he then set about following the instructions of the Captain as he quickly drew the outline of the estate grounds as he knew so far, marking in the gardens, the pathway and the stables. Wrapping up the cloth he suddenly heard a hoarse coughing coming from the window he had just moved past. Sinking to his knees and finally his belly he pushed the cloth back into his pocket before creeping back to the window. Peering again inside the window he looked about for the origin of the noise. Seeing nothing at first he waited a few moments before the coughing started again, shifting his gaze James noted that someone, most likely the stableboy slept in the loft above.
James reminded himself to inform the Captain of this development and considered to himself that this maybe an obstacle that would need addressing when they returned in numbers. Sitting there against the stables wall, as James waited for the coughing to subside, his thoughts slowly drifted to that of the Governors daughter. She was an exceptional beauty, with long dark brown hair, and a deliciously innocent, yet maturing body; the secretive time that she spent lying in the sun had given her a softened brownish hue. Nothing at all like the whores, with their painted faces and garish dress, that he had met and enjoyed from time to time in the taverns and bars of the nearby shanty towns and other port cities of the America’s, it was as if she were from another time or place. James grinned to himself as he remembered the surprise at almost tripping over the Governors half-naked daughter. The Debate with himself over whether or not he had waited long enough for the stable boy to relax was decided upon by the loud snores that echoed around the stables and out the window, James let out a shy of relief and patted the dagger on his hip, then with a wry smile he stood up and moved back to the edge of building.
Taking a quick glance around the corner he noticed in the distance a number of French soldiers that were leaning against the mansion wall. The light given off by the tobacco they smoked moved like fireflies at dusk. James pondered this change of circumstance and considered his options. Falling to his belly he began to creep along the grass towards the stonework stairs. Noting the numbers of soldiers currently on duty he lay there and awaited the change of guard.
* * * * *
Anne sat at the dining table somewhat bored, the dinner conversation between her father, the Governor, and the visiting merchant failed to hold her attention, and after all the conversation from her parens and the subsequent intrigue that was built up in regards to the merchants son as a possible match for her, he turned out to be, in Anne’s eyes, a rather droll boring young man with an over-blown sense of importance. Still Anne thought, if that’s the only way to escape her overbearing father and lifeless mother and gain independence, she may have to concede her heart.
“Anne, Anne, Anne, Anne!” her fathers’ voice snapped her out of her tired daze, “Monsieur Christopher requests a dance with you before we retire for dessert”, the tone of her fathers voice let her know that this wasn’t debatable.
That unexpected request caused a moderate amount of discomfort to her; she looked down at herself, her gaze taking in the clothes that she had decided upon for the evening. Dressed as she was, in deep sea blue dress, with white lace trim and low-cut blue-grey corset and white buttons, she attempted to adjust the bodice, hoping to hide as much skin as she could possibly achieve, hopefully the necklace she had chosen would provide some assistance. Considering all this Anne instantly regretted taking her mothers word regarding the sort of man Christopher was and chastised herself for not having had the common sense to be conservative in her fashion choices until after she had actually decided for herself upon the type of man he was and whether he was worth the risqué style she had chosen for tonight.
Stammering a reply to her father, Anne bemoaned the request “Father, I am not feeling the best tonight, would the Monsieur expect a lady to dance when her body is not agreeing with her?”
“Anne” her father stated flatly giving her a stern look, “you will dance, and you will enjoy it”.
Anne glared down at the silverware on the table in front of her, the reflection of her expression on the empty plate showing her discord at her fathers command, she bit her lip as the maid moved quietly up beside her and took the cutlery and used dishes. Taking a deep breath and composing herself she looked up, her gaze finding Christopher who sat almost opposite her, looking into his eyes as if to say ‘I am in no mood for this nonsense’ she smiled and muttered “Monsieur, shall we dance?”
Christopher smiled back, a tasteless grin covered his face, the indication of the power of his belief in his own importance evident by the display, “Why yes, Mademoiselle Anne, yes we shall”.
Standing up from where he was seated opposite Christopher moved around the table to stand at the side of Anne, reaching out his hand, he awaited her move. Anne looked one last time in her father’s direction before standing to her feet, the chair scraping loudly on the floor as she pushed it back and attempted to exert her independence while Christopher tried to help her up without appearing foolish. Her father looked up from his conversation with the merchant and glared in her direction, before picking up where he had left off.
By now Anne had finally made it to her feet she turned in Christopher’s direction and took his arm, then said gently, but with a slight undertone “follow me”. She then led him out of the dining room and down the corridor towards another room, the music softly drifted towards them as the hired musicians played their part. Upon reaching the room and deciding that there was no other course of action than to dance with Christopher, Anne curtsied before him, and awaited his bow. Moving a few feet in front of him, she deftly spun to the soft music, her hands holding the folds of her dress as she twisted to the melody, the moonlight bouncing off her blue-grey corset as it entered through the large window across from them. Coming to a stop she moved in front of Christopher and offered him her arm.
The music gently became a slow melody while Christopher and Anne took their positions in front of one another, then once they were hand in hand it picked up again, a moderate beat bounced around the room as Christopher and Anne moved forwards and back, then side to side before moving in small circles together. “Mademoiselle you dance wonderfully” beamed Christopher, his hand moving further down Anne’s back.
“I know”, she replied dryly, removing her right hand from his and bringing it to her mouth and coughing loudly, forcing Christopher to re-adjust the position of his hand. The dance continued for the next minutes or so, Christopher attempting to caress more than Anne’s back as she tried to avoid his affections. After the song had finished Anne smiled, stepped back and curtsied then whispered softly “Why thank you for the dance Monsieur, may I retire to my room?” fluttering her eyelashes as she did so.
Christopher stepped forward and suddenly took her in his arms and kissed her full on the mouth. Anne gasped loudly as she twisted her mouth from his; the strong smell of brandy filling her nostrils, as she placed her hands against his chest as she tried pushed him off.
Escaping his strong embrace she stepped back and slapped him hard across the face, the ringing sound reverberating around the room, breaking the musicians out of their conversation. “Monsieur, how dare you!” Anne spat, the terseness of the tone displaying her views about his actions, glaring as she gathered her skirts, “Monsieur, I must bid you good night!”, and with she that stomped off from the room.
Christopher stood there, hands on hips as he watched Anne leave from the room hastily in a huff, a smirk broke across his face, onlookers may call it an malicious grin as he chuckled out loud to know one in particular, “Mademoiselle, you will be mine, you will be mine, I promise you that”.
* * * * *
The changing of the guard took a lot longer than James expected, by the time the soldiers had finished their tobacco and tramped off for their quarters, his back was aching, the combination of the crouching in the tree earlier and the hard ground not helping. Rolling onto his side he quickly got to his feet and quietly made his way swiftly to the darkened side of the mansion, before the next guard rotation arrived, and found another shadowy corner to watch and wait. After a period of time he decided that the guards were retiring for the evening and wouldn’t be coming back, he crouched low against the ground while he assessed the situation. Looking up and taking notice of the height of the moon, as it shone through the tree canopy, he reckoned that it was shortly before midnight. Taking out the folded sailcloth and charcoal, James laid it down on the ground beside him, spreading it open he then drew some more faint markings on the makeshift map before folding it and stuffing it back in his pants and crouching down once again.
Looking upwards from where he was crouched in the garden, James could see the lip of a balcony a few feet above him, the faint glow of a lamp in the room above throwing a yellow tint through the glass panes of the window. Peering around himself in the darkness as if looking for something useful, James could make out a creeper vine running up the wall and past the balconies edge, walking over to it quietly he took hold and tested it for his weight. Placing his hands either side James slowly worked himself up the vine, climbing it as though it were a rope on the ship, he silently stepped over the balustrade and knelt close to the floor, two French doors appeared before him, one slightly ajar.
James then crawled slowly towards the open door, putting his ear close to the gap he lay there for a few moments listening intently, trying to make out if there was anyone sleeping in the room beyond the door. The faint smell of Lavender wafted across his nose, the soft sound of breathing following it close by as it rushed as if to escape the room together. James smiled, and slowly pushed the door open; ever so quiet so as he could to make sure whoever was inside was not awakened by the sound. He waited another few moments before kneeling and crawling into the room, in the corner stood a white wooden framed bed, adorned by small wooden ballerina’s cut into the bed head, the silk sheets piled up at the foot. In the bed lay a wisp of a figure, James stood slowly and circled around the bed, keeping himself in the darkness as he did. The figure in the bed suddenly rolled over onto her side, James froze where he was, her nightshirt falling open and giving a hint of skin and things to come.
James smiled to himself as he took in the view, waiting until he was sure the girl was completely asleep he decided to take a risk and slowly crept towards the bed, the occasion for a closer look to good an opportunity to miss out on. He came to a stop about 4 feet from the side of the best, realising whose room he had actually stumbled upon gave him goose bumps down his spine. ‘What are the odds of that?’ he thought to himself. Smiling he looked around the room again, the moonlight providing enough illumination that he could make out a small gold broach resting on the dresser. A wide grin invaded his otherwise calm face as he made his way over to the dresser and gently lifted the broach off the dresser-top, looking closely he noticed the name engraved on the back “Anne”, he then gently and quietly placed it in his pocket, before turning and looking at the sleeping girl.
James then slowly made his way back towards the open French doors and balcony outside, just before he got there, an impish grin crossed his face, turning slowly he looked back at ‘Anne’. Then grinned to himself as he carefully moved over to the side of her bed, before leaning down and kissing her lips softly, ‘Ah, sleeping beauty’ he thought as he stood back up and retraced his path back to the balcony and carefully climbed down the vines.
* * * * *
Anne sat bolt upright a few moments later, rubbing her hands across her eyes, “What the? Was someone in my room?”
She looked around her room carefully, hugging the pillow close to her chest, the wind catching the curtains from the open door taking the shape of a ghost as the breeze blew into the room. Anne got out of her bed, her shapely legs falling onto the floor as she twisted and stepped away from the bed, the light footfalls tapping against the floor. She walked over the open door and looked carefully outside, then closed the door firmly, “What a strange dream, I could have sworn…” her voice trailed off as she wiped the back of her hand across her lips and rubbed her eyes again.
* * * * *
Christopher paced around his fathers Antechamber, “I want her father, she is everything I have ever wanted in a wife…”
“I know you do my son, I know you do” came the reply, “and you shall have her, one way or another”
“Good!” Christopher replied, rubbing his hands in delight, “this damn country full of heathens is taking all of my patience”
* * * * *
James moved further along the path, skirting the house as he went; making his way slowly from the vicinity Anne’s room, he made sure that he was taking note of the other balconies above, jotting them down on his sailcloth as he went, the moon was high up in the night sky by now, providing a ample light in which to travel by. Smiling as he walked delicately through the garden bed, James’ mind wandered back to the memory of kissing ‘Anne’, her soft full lips tasted so sweet and ripe. Her skin so ripe and tempting, coming to the corner of the house he pushed those thoughts aside and crouched to consider his options. In the distance he could make out the silhouette of the front gate guard house, the embers from the nearby fire pit adding light to the picture, the conversation between the guards picked up by James’ ears as it drifted softly in the light breeze.
Crouching close to the ground James, waited for a short period of time, the sound of loud laughter coming after a moment or two as the guards told each other jokes between smoking tobacco, he then quickly crawled towards the gate house, risking discovery as he crossed a moonlit patch of garden, holding his breath, he tried to calm his nerves as he made it back into the shadows. Craning his head from where he was laying, he counted quickly the number of guards, four sat there, looking carefully he noticed a fifth sprawled on the floor, passed out.
Backtracking carefully he moved to the edge of the shadows, then looked back towards the guards; silence had set in at the gatehouse, the quietness unsettling for James. Looking around the garden bed James noticed a relatively sized rock, picking it up, he weighted it slightly in his hand, then threw it across the clearing to the far side of the house. The rock bounced as it hit the ground, ricocheting into the far wall, the clatter surprised the guards, as their grunts and feet on the pavement as they ran towards the house, the sound of dogs barking filled the night. James grinned, and then ran as quickly as he could through the clearing and across the moonlit space, making his way back towards Anne’s secret clearing.
To Be Continued...
12th September 2008
The Governors Daughter…
Part 1: The Caribbean
Chapter 1
…The wind was blowing softly through the palms and the canopy of the nearby trees, as she lay on her back in the warm sunlight, tickling her body as it went gently by, like the feel of silk being dragged down her skin sensuously. Suddenly she looked up; the sense that someone was watching her worked its way down her spine and gave her goose bumps, yet a sense of fear mixed with excitement about the unknown. Her first reaction was to reach for her nearby dress and cover herself from the prying eyes, Rolling onto her stomach, she brushed her long slender fingers through her deep brown tresses, trying to work out if really had been, being watched or had simply day dreamt it.
Laying there for a few moments in the late afternoon sun, she considered the likelihood that anyone had actually discovered her hiding place in the sprawling estate gardens quite unrealistic. Biting her lower lip, her face displaying that look of disappointment and impish annoyance at not actually being discovered, she decided that it was probably just her imagination playing games in an effort to counter the boredom of the routine she was daily subjected to. Arching her back, and then pushing her delightfully shaped rear up into the air, Anne stood, first stretching like the young petite kitten she still was. Gathering her clothes, she quickly dressed. The knowledge that Papa and Mama were due home sometime in the hours before dinner quickened her movements. Anne knew she’d have to slip back into her room while the maid wasn’t looking. She grinned at that very notion, her eyes twinkling and laughing out loud to herself, this was all part of the game though wasn’t it.
* * * * *
James swore to himself as he finally exhaled sharply, ‘the silly girl almost caught you, you daft fool’, his own voice echoing inside his head, ‘and you call yourself a notorious buccaneer, hardly’. James grimaced as he relaxed his hold on the branch above him, shaking his hand he allowed the blood to flow again, he then adjusted his footing on the tree bough; the slip up had almost been more costly that James was willing to pay, thank God for the thickened canopy. Clearing his mind of these opinions he thought back to what just transpired in front of him. ‘The Captain is going to like this information, I better get a reward, and that girl…very exquisite and very delicious…’ James lowered himself onto the tree branch below and waited for the darkness of nightfall to surround him, the Captain had ordered him to work out how many guards there were surrounding the Governors mansion and what weaknesses there might be.
* * * * *
Anne quickly picked her way through the estate gardens and up the stonework stairs headed for the estate house, circling around the side she made her way towards where her bedroom was situated, looking upwards she could see that the balcony door was still open, obviously the maid hadn’t made the discover of her absence yet. She grinned as she remembered the other times she had snuck out of the house late in the afternoon to sunbake alone, the joys of being free of those intolerable skirts enough to make any possible punishment worth it, including being sent home on the next ship. Laughing she remembered her fathers comments about how dark her arms were, and the reaction to the bemused look she gave him as she stated ‘Obviously Papa, the darker shade is because I’ve been around the maid and coloured workers too much .’ Standing at the wall below the balcony Anne heaved her dress and shift up onto the floor above, then grabbed hold of the thick creeper vine running up the wall and scrambled up, a mischievous look came to her face as she remembered how her cousin Stephen had taught her how to climb the wall years before when he was visiting her for a few months, ‘oh the fun times they had and the jokes they played on the staff’.
Gathering her crumpled clothes off the terraced balcony Anne hurried through the open doors, turning around she gave the setting sun one last glance, the look of longing regret twisted her beautiful face, as the thoughts of having to return to the only choice she had, that of being a stiff, toffee-nosed upper-class daughter brought her back to reality, before she quietly closed the matching doors behind herself. Her voice, loud and clearly demanding, as she played her part and called out for the maid to come dress her, could be heard to echo around the room and even startled the sleeping birds that made their nest on the alcove above.
* * * * *
James waited until the cover of darkness had engulfed the estate before moving from his perch, the sound of birds chattering softly in the tree tops above and surrounding his hiding place gave the impression of safety and tranquillity, then softly like a house cat he climbed down from the concealed trunk on which he had stood the past few hours, upon reaching stable ground James stood upright and stretched himself, working out the kinks from his back, arms and legs, he waited for the blood to flow back into his fingers and toes before kneeling behind a shrub and concentrating on the target at hand, the mansion in the distance that was lit up like a beacon in the shadowy darkness around, somewhat expected given the preference of the rich for gaudy appearances. The eyes of the unseen audience would show a lean, well muscled man, around the mid 20’s mark, not exceptionally good-looking, but more the rugged look, the type that women felt drawn towards for some reason. The years as a ship’s boy before graduating to the rank of pirate evident in the way he was built and how he nimbly walked and carried himself, like an acrobat on a tight rope.
James quietly moved from behind the shrubbery that he had earlier been crouched; taking care to make sure that he kept any light, from the glow of the estate’s evening lampposts, between himself and the mansion’s outlying building’s, he made his way, in a somewhat cautious stoop, with soft deliberate steps, along the gardens edge and towards the mansion, paying close attention to any evidence he may leave behind him. As he got closer to the first building James reached down and loosened the small dagger that he had strapped to his waist before leaving the vicinity of the rowboat, the idea of startling some unsuspecting estate worker without being quite prepared was a recent memory of the last time he was chosen for this task, James swore and grinned as he remembered the enjoyment that night ended up becoming.
Creeping along the outer wall of the nearest of the buildings James crouched as he came across a window still ajar, the broken shutter evident as he took his time to gather his breath, he then peered through the nearby window, the missing glass allowing him an unobtrusive view, noting the excess of hay, and the foul smelling scent that wafted from within, James decided that this was most likely to be the estate’s stables or carriage quarters. Making a mental note to mention the abundance of combustible materials inside the building to the Captain, James moved along further until he reached the corner of the yard. Taking out a folded piece of tattered sail cloth from his pocket and some charcoal, James stepped back into the shadows, he then knelt down and unfolded the cloth, laying it flat on the firm ground beside him, he then set about following the instructions of the Captain as he quickly drew the outline of the estate grounds as he knew so far, marking in the gardens, the pathway and the stables. Wrapping up the cloth he suddenly heard a hoarse coughing coming from the window he had just moved past. Sinking to his knees and finally his belly he pushed the cloth back into his pocket before creeping back to the window. Peering again inside the window he looked about for the origin of the noise. Seeing nothing at first he waited a few moments before the coughing started again, shifting his gaze James noted that someone, most likely the stableboy slept in the loft above.
James reminded himself to inform the Captain of this development and considered to himself that this maybe an obstacle that would need addressing when they returned in numbers. Sitting there against the stables wall, as James waited for the coughing to subside, his thoughts slowly drifted to that of the Governors daughter. She was an exceptional beauty, with long dark brown hair, and a deliciously innocent, yet maturing body; the secretive time that she spent lying in the sun had given her a softened brownish hue. Nothing at all like the whores, with their painted faces and garish dress, that he had met and enjoyed from time to time in the taverns and bars of the nearby shanty towns and other port cities of the America’s, it was as if she were from another time or place. James grinned to himself as he remembered the surprise at almost tripping over the Governors half-naked daughter. The Debate with himself over whether or not he had waited long enough for the stable boy to relax was decided upon by the loud snores that echoed around the stables and out the window, James let out a shy of relief and patted the dagger on his hip, then with a wry smile he stood up and moved back to the edge of building.
Taking a quick glance around the corner he noticed in the distance a number of French soldiers that were leaning against the mansion wall. The light given off by the tobacco they smoked moved like fireflies at dusk. James pondered this change of circumstance and considered his options. Falling to his belly he began to creep along the grass towards the stonework stairs. Noting the numbers of soldiers currently on duty he lay there and awaited the change of guard.
* * * * *
Anne sat at the dining table somewhat bored, the dinner conversation between her father, the Governor, and the visiting merchant failed to hold her attention, and after all the conversation from her parens and the subsequent intrigue that was built up in regards to the merchants son as a possible match for her, he turned out to be, in Anne’s eyes, a rather droll boring young man with an over-blown sense of importance. Still Anne thought, if that’s the only way to escape her overbearing father and lifeless mother and gain independence, she may have to concede her heart.
“Anne, Anne, Anne, Anne!” her fathers’ voice snapped her out of her tired daze, “Monsieur Christopher requests a dance with you before we retire for dessert”, the tone of her fathers voice let her know that this wasn’t debatable.
That unexpected request caused a moderate amount of discomfort to her; she looked down at herself, her gaze taking in the clothes that she had decided upon for the evening. Dressed as she was, in deep sea blue dress, with white lace trim and low-cut blue-grey corset and white buttons, she attempted to adjust the bodice, hoping to hide as much skin as she could possibly achieve, hopefully the necklace she had chosen would provide some assistance. Considering all this Anne instantly regretted taking her mothers word regarding the sort of man Christopher was and chastised herself for not having had the common sense to be conservative in her fashion choices until after she had actually decided for herself upon the type of man he was and whether he was worth the risqué style she had chosen for tonight.
Stammering a reply to her father, Anne bemoaned the request “Father, I am not feeling the best tonight, would the Monsieur expect a lady to dance when her body is not agreeing with her?”
“Anne” her father stated flatly giving her a stern look, “you will dance, and you will enjoy it”.
Anne glared down at the silverware on the table in front of her, the reflection of her expression on the empty plate showing her discord at her fathers command, she bit her lip as the maid moved quietly up beside her and took the cutlery and used dishes. Taking a deep breath and composing herself she looked up, her gaze finding Christopher who sat almost opposite her, looking into his eyes as if to say ‘I am in no mood for this nonsense’ she smiled and muttered “Monsieur, shall we dance?”
Christopher smiled back, a tasteless grin covered his face, the indication of the power of his belief in his own importance evident by the display, “Why yes, Mademoiselle Anne, yes we shall”.
Standing up from where he was seated opposite Christopher moved around the table to stand at the side of Anne, reaching out his hand, he awaited her move. Anne looked one last time in her father’s direction before standing to her feet, the chair scraping loudly on the floor as she pushed it back and attempted to exert her independence while Christopher tried to help her up without appearing foolish. Her father looked up from his conversation with the merchant and glared in her direction, before picking up where he had left off.
By now Anne had finally made it to her feet she turned in Christopher’s direction and took his arm, then said gently, but with a slight undertone “follow me”. She then led him out of the dining room and down the corridor towards another room, the music softly drifted towards them as the hired musicians played their part. Upon reaching the room and deciding that there was no other course of action than to dance with Christopher, Anne curtsied before him, and awaited his bow. Moving a few feet in front of him, she deftly spun to the soft music, her hands holding the folds of her dress as she twisted to the melody, the moonlight bouncing off her blue-grey corset as it entered through the large window across from them. Coming to a stop she moved in front of Christopher and offered him her arm.
The music gently became a slow melody while Christopher and Anne took their positions in front of one another, then once they were hand in hand it picked up again, a moderate beat bounced around the room as Christopher and Anne moved forwards and back, then side to side before moving in small circles together. “Mademoiselle you dance wonderfully” beamed Christopher, his hand moving further down Anne’s back.
“I know”, she replied dryly, removing her right hand from his and bringing it to her mouth and coughing loudly, forcing Christopher to re-adjust the position of his hand. The dance continued for the next minutes or so, Christopher attempting to caress more than Anne’s back as she tried to avoid his affections. After the song had finished Anne smiled, stepped back and curtsied then whispered softly “Why thank you for the dance Monsieur, may I retire to my room?” fluttering her eyelashes as she did so.
Christopher stepped forward and suddenly took her in his arms and kissed her full on the mouth. Anne gasped loudly as she twisted her mouth from his; the strong smell of brandy filling her nostrils, as she placed her hands against his chest as she tried pushed him off.
Escaping his strong embrace she stepped back and slapped him hard across the face, the ringing sound reverberating around the room, breaking the musicians out of their conversation. “Monsieur, how dare you!” Anne spat, the terseness of the tone displaying her views about his actions, glaring as she gathered her skirts, “Monsieur, I must bid you good night!”, and with she that stomped off from the room.
Christopher stood there, hands on hips as he watched Anne leave from the room hastily in a huff, a smirk broke across his face, onlookers may call it an malicious grin as he chuckled out loud to know one in particular, “Mademoiselle, you will be mine, you will be mine, I promise you that”.
* * * * *
The changing of the guard took a lot longer than James expected, by the time the soldiers had finished their tobacco and tramped off for their quarters, his back was aching, the combination of the crouching in the tree earlier and the hard ground not helping. Rolling onto his side he quickly got to his feet and quietly made his way swiftly to the darkened side of the mansion, before the next guard rotation arrived, and found another shadowy corner to watch and wait. After a period of time he decided that the guards were retiring for the evening and wouldn’t be coming back, he crouched low against the ground while he assessed the situation. Looking up and taking notice of the height of the moon, as it shone through the tree canopy, he reckoned that it was shortly before midnight. Taking out the folded sailcloth and charcoal, James laid it down on the ground beside him, spreading it open he then drew some more faint markings on the makeshift map before folding it and stuffing it back in his pants and crouching down once again.
Looking upwards from where he was crouched in the garden, James could see the lip of a balcony a few feet above him, the faint glow of a lamp in the room above throwing a yellow tint through the glass panes of the window. Peering around himself in the darkness as if looking for something useful, James could make out a creeper vine running up the wall and past the balconies edge, walking over to it quietly he took hold and tested it for his weight. Placing his hands either side James slowly worked himself up the vine, climbing it as though it were a rope on the ship, he silently stepped over the balustrade and knelt close to the floor, two French doors appeared before him, one slightly ajar.
James then crawled slowly towards the open door, putting his ear close to the gap he lay there for a few moments listening intently, trying to make out if there was anyone sleeping in the room beyond the door. The faint smell of Lavender wafted across his nose, the soft sound of breathing following it close by as it rushed as if to escape the room together. James smiled, and slowly pushed the door open; ever so quiet so as he could to make sure whoever was inside was not awakened by the sound. He waited another few moments before kneeling and crawling into the room, in the corner stood a white wooden framed bed, adorned by small wooden ballerina’s cut into the bed head, the silk sheets piled up at the foot. In the bed lay a wisp of a figure, James stood slowly and circled around the bed, keeping himself in the darkness as he did. The figure in the bed suddenly rolled over onto her side, James froze where he was, her nightshirt falling open and giving a hint of skin and things to come.
James smiled to himself as he took in the view, waiting until he was sure the girl was completely asleep he decided to take a risk and slowly crept towards the bed, the occasion for a closer look to good an opportunity to miss out on. He came to a stop about 4 feet from the side of the best, realising whose room he had actually stumbled upon gave him goose bumps down his spine. ‘What are the odds of that?’ he thought to himself. Smiling he looked around the room again, the moonlight providing enough illumination that he could make out a small gold broach resting on the dresser. A wide grin invaded his otherwise calm face as he made his way over to the dresser and gently lifted the broach off the dresser-top, looking closely he noticed the name engraved on the back “Anne”, he then gently and quietly placed it in his pocket, before turning and looking at the sleeping girl.
James then slowly made his way back towards the open French doors and balcony outside, just before he got there, an impish grin crossed his face, turning slowly he looked back at ‘Anne’. Then grinned to himself as he carefully moved over to the side of her bed, before leaning down and kissing her lips softly, ‘Ah, sleeping beauty’ he thought as he stood back up and retraced his path back to the balcony and carefully climbed down the vines.
* * * * *
Anne sat bolt upright a few moments later, rubbing her hands across her eyes, “What the? Was someone in my room?”
She looked around her room carefully, hugging the pillow close to her chest, the wind catching the curtains from the open door taking the shape of a ghost as the breeze blew into the room. Anne got out of her bed, her shapely legs falling onto the floor as she twisted and stepped away from the bed, the light footfalls tapping against the floor. She walked over the open door and looked carefully outside, then closed the door firmly, “What a strange dream, I could have sworn…” her voice trailed off as she wiped the back of her hand across her lips and rubbed her eyes again.
* * * * *
Christopher paced around his fathers Antechamber, “I want her father, she is everything I have ever wanted in a wife…”
“I know you do my son, I know you do” came the reply, “and you shall have her, one way or another”
“Good!” Christopher replied, rubbing his hands in delight, “this damn country full of heathens is taking all of my patience”
* * * * *
James moved further along the path, skirting the house as he went; making his way slowly from the vicinity Anne’s room, he made sure that he was taking note of the other balconies above, jotting them down on his sailcloth as he went, the moon was high up in the night sky by now, providing a ample light in which to travel by. Smiling as he walked delicately through the garden bed, James’ mind wandered back to the memory of kissing ‘Anne’, her soft full lips tasted so sweet and ripe. Her skin so ripe and tempting, coming to the corner of the house he pushed those thoughts aside and crouched to consider his options. In the distance he could make out the silhouette of the front gate guard house, the embers from the nearby fire pit adding light to the picture, the conversation between the guards picked up by James’ ears as it drifted softly in the light breeze.
Crouching close to the ground James, waited for a short period of time, the sound of loud laughter coming after a moment or two as the guards told each other jokes between smoking tobacco, he then quickly crawled towards the gate house, risking discovery as he crossed a moonlit patch of garden, holding his breath, he tried to calm his nerves as he made it back into the shadows. Craning his head from where he was laying, he counted quickly the number of guards, four sat there, looking carefully he noticed a fifth sprawled on the floor, passed out.
Backtracking carefully he moved to the edge of the shadows, then looked back towards the guards; silence had set in at the gatehouse, the quietness unsettling for James. Looking around the garden bed James noticed a relatively sized rock, picking it up, he weighted it slightly in his hand, then threw it across the clearing to the far side of the house. The rock bounced as it hit the ground, ricocheting into the far wall, the clatter surprised the guards, as their grunts and feet on the pavement as they ran towards the house, the sound of dogs barking filled the night. James grinned, and then ran as quickly as he could through the clearing and across the moonlit space, making his way back towards Anne’s secret clearing.
To Be Continued...
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