Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Librarian Effect: Sexless Female Managers

This is a dangerous topic :P but so much fun.

I got interrupted lol

Times: Man of the Year: Mark Zuckerberg WTF?

This is a load of nonsense, Mark Zuckerberg for Man of the Year? All he did was re-package an already re-packaged idea and conveniently managed to launch it at a period of time when "late adopters" (Yes I remember Marketing) decided that being a computer geek was cool. Prior to Myspace making the ground-breaking push most of the social media was left to Friendster and all the Asians. This is hardly an extra-ordinary effort. Anyone would be called "Man of the Year" based on those stats. Yet we have Assange who leaked all the war files with a "no mention". Haha pathetic Time, real pathetic.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Women and the Starsigns they were born under

Now most people might think they Starsigns are completely without merit, however they seem to have some truth and this seems to be an interesting discovering. I guess after saying this I would need to expand on my views with some examples starting with myself.

I am a Pisces; I am insecure at times, I am generous, I hate fake people, I dislike being misled or seeing those about me having the same occur. However, unlike most Pisces, I really dislike being weak, and I dislike being led around. I am also quite open to criticism and willing to look internally. In some aspects that makes me typical, and others unique.

Most other close friends are strangely divided amongst the segments that Starsigns seem to give. I am close to other Pisces, Capricorns and Cancers. These 3 Starsigns seem to gravitate towards me. For example, in my gym, there are 4 girls who are close to me, who are all Capricorns and 3 who are Pisces. The others do not connect as we do. Even the girls around my life who are these Starsigns sometimes fight and become distant but always gravitate back. Strange.

The same can be said of the girls I have tension with. They are generally Leo's or Gemini's. The conflict is often because they like to mislead and manipulate people, making them jump through hoops and play little games. Most of them are more "standoffish" bitchy personalities and have no consideration for life except for what is in their own periphery. Sounds harsh, but the judgement stands and would be accepted by anyone who stands back and looks.

What else have I learnt over the last few years? I would say that this is to do with sex and relationships.
Cancers are very submissive, they like to offer alot, and consistently try and feed you. Sexually they enjoy bedroom activity. They tend to be excessively jealous and the moment they get into a relationship of some form, they will ditch their male connections quite willingly.

Capicorns are similar to Cancers, however they tend not to distance themselves from previous contacts. They do not seem to expect this from their lovers as well and understand the notion of harmless flirting.

Scorpios are consistently jealous, they dislike being chased and like to be the active party in this situation.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Economics of Housing prices (Mortgages/Housing Loans)

This post is relevant in ALL western countries that have housing estates, property developers and Government land releases for residential development. It also can explain how and why the Financial Bubble boost and the simple fact it can happen again.

How does a housing price actually work?
A housing price is made up of a number of things; primarily 'supply and demand', but also location on map, essential services availability, shopping/entertainment, education, road and rail networks, noise and pollution and athsetics (trees, parks, gardens, etc).

What can affect a housing price?
Any change of the above mentioned factors can affect the value of a property. The most dramatic being that of 'supply' as seen in the Global Meltdown when prices of houses dropped like domino's as people were unable to purchase. This affects Mortgages dramatically.

So what happens when the values change?
When a change occurs, the overall value of the property drops, depending on their depth of the drop an event occurs that is known as 'Over Capitalisation". This is when the Asset is suddenly worth alot less than the value of the loan. This then creates a complicated situation where the loan payments are still the same, but the property re-sale value has been completely damaged.


Women and Scales

Women and Scales are one of my Pet Hates, but cynically it makes me laugh.
What are Scales for in a Gym? Scales are used to measure the amount of Fluid lost during training.
I.e one would measure themselves prior and after and replace the difference in water.

For some reason however, women have been conditioned over time to associate Scales with their body size, shape and dimensions. There is no direct correlation. Clothing sizes are just as they say, Sizes which are related to either Inches or Cm's. They do not list weight guidance on them. A size 6 girl can be 40kgs, or she can be 52. It depends on her bone density and muscle mass not her weight.

Scales are used for Postal Services to work out the amount of Fuel spent to move something.
Weight is also used to measure force and velocity.
WEIGHT is not used to measure how big your Ball Dress will be when you try it on, that would be a Tape Measure, the little thing with the numbers that say cm or mm.

Labour Shortage in Australia

Labour Shortages are a touchy subject for Governments, probably because it requires them to actual do something about it. How about we explore what Labour requires to be available and why it is in fact the Government's fault we have a shortage.

A population and it's labour force, and even labour force quality, is affected by a number of factors; Food Availability and Prices, Housing, Education, Health Systems, Housing Density, Noise, Transport Effeciency, and Salaries & Taxes and Birth rates. The question is; how many of these factors does the Government actually control. All factors would be the appropriate answer, although this is disputed by those with a "capitalist" approach to life who frankly know nothing about populations and development and more about how to direct money flows around the world.

Ok, then if the Government controls all of these factors, the why do they not do anything about it? Because in reality the Government has little desire to develop their own nation, lacks loyalty to its constituents and has been brain-washed with a "Market Driven", "Market Effeciency" approach to managing a country. This doesn't work. The purpose of a Government is deliver, to the best of its ability, the essential services that the population requires, regardless of the Cost vs Benefit Analysis nonsense they dribble. Cost Benefit Analysis is affected by population growth, development, tech age and population movements and in fact a Government is actually suppose to invest in the future, whether is be 5 years or 50 ahead, the timeframe actually is irrelevant to the overall need for Investment. (But thats a whole other Post). Strangely, they manage this investment quite easily in regards to Defence spending.

If a Government did it's job and actually provided investment for Housing, then the majority of Labour Supply issues would be curtailed dramatically. However this would require the Government yet again doing something useful.


Is it me? Or has the US Govt really gone over-board with this Wikileaks drama. Generally information that is obtained by any means and is pertinent to the voters of a country to make informed decisions about the leadership, in any real democracy, is readily accepted as justifiable. I.e Watergate. Governments represent the people, they do not represent themselves, thus they have a position that is answerable to those people.

One would think that the US Govt represents Emperor Palpatine and the United Nations simply the Senate. I'd hate to think what they'd say if I criticised them in a blog. Pathetic. Now, I am not saying that Assange is Luke Skywalker, but hes definitely bordering on being Princess Amidala in this scenario. Just imagine if he joined forced with Osama Bin Laden. What a South Park Episode that would be, in fact I might email Comedy Central now...