Thursday, July 12, 2012

Are Gay people really born Gay? Nope

You know what REALLY Grinds my GEARS: Gay People, Gay People and their Consistent Argument for being Gay!
“Are people really born Homosexual? Or is this a Weakness of the Human Mind?”
In answering the above statement, likely I will be abused and named as a bigot, hater, discriminator, sexist, prejudice, be you think I actually care? So let’s go and tackle that global discussion in a fair and balanced way.
 “Are people really born Homosexual?” No, people are not born homosexual. People are born heterosexual; however cultural exposure, the media, fears, low self esteem, interference distorts this purity. So? Where do I get the gall to make such a statement? It’s obvious if you pay attention. Homosexuality has a greater prevalence in Men than Women. Women at least have the decency to link their “sexual choice” to angst caused by a Male.. So why Men? Simple, men are highly competitive and seek to win the attentions of women. So those who cannot compete fairly and with a decent enough chance of success simply give up.
Is it strange that the Epic-centres for Wealth through history also had a strangely high level of Homosexuality? Yet the country-side agriculture regions do not? OMG, yes! It must be the quality of water and air? This can be seen in Singapore, London, HK, NYC, and the Rome, Greece, Persia etc.
It’s not strange, it’s actually expected. Where large groups of Wealth accumulate and people develop high positions of prestige the exposure to the opposite sex is bound to happen. No matter what people argue; dominant, masculine, aggressive males WILL always gain the most attention. This attention causes discomfort for lesser males who choose a path of flamboyance to gain attentions, however no matter how flamboyant or wealth off these parties are, they are still never to be considered family material.
Is it strange then that these flamboyant lesser males often choose the company of those in a similar state, or choose to purchase the company of weaker, younger, malleable males? No, it is not strange; it is simply the consequence of loneliness and accepting the only option available.