Thursday, December 6, 2012

Capitalism, Idealism and Inefficient Governance curtailing growth: Australia's backwards slide

Since the mid 2000's the cost of living has ballooned dramatically in Australia as house prices and housing rentals have moved upwards towards unsustainable levels, this is especially so in Perth. Many people have attributed this to the Mining boom and the impact new workers have had on supply and demand in these regions. Unfortunately that is an ignorant view.

The responsibility for the cost of living sits squarely with the State and Federal Governments and their inability to take responsibility for the countries growth. These levels of Government have a preference for allowing Corporations to dictate what occurs and what is invested in within Australia. Corporations have a shareholder profit view in regards to their decision making and have no interest in subsidizing the communities needs, as this detrimental to the Corporations own growth and performance targets for directors.

This is primarily the case in land release programmes in which the Government's trickle releases land to developers who then trickle release land to buyers. This trickle approach is designed to maintain the level of value within the market and not over-supply the country. Failing to undertake this approach would result in supply affecting the value and asset depreciation and associated negative events as mortgages became inflated. This is argued to be an important part of Good Governance, "The awareness of the impact of land releases on housing values", however there is one thing the Government has overlooked; "Land supply is the lubricant for the economy." This is absolutist and no amount of argument can provide a differing view.

The cost of land and the cost of housing affects ALL economies and all sectors of the economy and this trickle effect creates an unsustainable growth model which will eventually lead to a negative growth rate. The alternative view is that the Government provides mass amounts of Government housing Ala Singapore's HDB apartment system and those who achieve certain income levels are free to purchase free-hold land. Unfortunately Australia now lacks the resources to even embark on that type of programme without occurring a large level of foreign debt. (Something Corporations frown on).

It is important to understand the actual costs that this approach creates. Below are a number of simple examples and their required accounting from a wide range of industries looking at both mortgage and rental angles. A town contains 10 houses available for rent. The coffee shop owner rents the house and uses his income from the sale of coffee to pay for the rent. Suddenly there is an influx of migrants to the town who wish to rent. When the lease is reviewed the house owner puts the price up. This price is then matched a migrant. The coffee shop owner must then pay more rent or find somewhere else. In order to pay for rent the coffee shop owner uses a greater % of his disposable income. In order to increase the remaining % from his income the coffee shop increases his prices by $1, from $4 to $5.

Unbeknownst to the coffee shop owner, a number of his regular customers are in a similar situation but are unable to increase their income level. In order to maintain the same level of available income they prioritize their costs. They reduce their coffee intake to 3 from 5 days. At the $4 level the regular customers were buying 250 cups of coffee a year (50 weeks) and spending roughly $1000. At $5 a coffee the regular customers were buying 150 cups of coffee a year (50 weeks) and spending roughly $750. This is a reduction of $250 and requires the coffee shop owner to reduce other staffs shifts in order to yet again maintain his level of income. By reducing the shift of staff, those staff must also reduce their spending in order too pay their rent and this process is repeated at the Vegetable store. This cycle is repeated over and over. Alternatively the Government could release a % of land to private builders and increase the supply thus reducing the migrants impact on the community.

To be continued

Paragraphs/topics to be covered
Short-term departures by citizens
expenditure in foreign destinations
failure to allow an increase in relationship/entertainment venues
failure to streamline transport

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Are Gay people really born Gay? Nope

You know what REALLY Grinds my GEARS: Gay People, Gay People and their Consistent Argument for being Gay!
“Are people really born Homosexual? Or is this a Weakness of the Human Mind?”
In answering the above statement, likely I will be abused and named as a bigot, hater, discriminator, sexist, prejudice, be you think I actually care? So let’s go and tackle that global discussion in a fair and balanced way.
 “Are people really born Homosexual?” No, people are not born homosexual. People are born heterosexual; however cultural exposure, the media, fears, low self esteem, interference distorts this purity. So? Where do I get the gall to make such a statement? It’s obvious if you pay attention. Homosexuality has a greater prevalence in Men than Women. Women at least have the decency to link their “sexual choice” to angst caused by a Male.. So why Men? Simple, men are highly competitive and seek to win the attentions of women. So those who cannot compete fairly and with a decent enough chance of success simply give up.
Is it strange that the Epic-centres for Wealth through history also had a strangely high level of Homosexuality? Yet the country-side agriculture regions do not? OMG, yes! It must be the quality of water and air? This can be seen in Singapore, London, HK, NYC, and the Rome, Greece, Persia etc.
It’s not strange, it’s actually expected. Where large groups of Wealth accumulate and people develop high positions of prestige the exposure to the opposite sex is bound to happen. No matter what people argue; dominant, masculine, aggressive males WILL always gain the most attention. This attention causes discomfort for lesser males who choose a path of flamboyance to gain attentions, however no matter how flamboyant or wealth off these parties are, they are still never to be considered family material.
Is it strange then that these flamboyant lesser males often choose the company of those in a similar state, or choose to purchase the company of weaker, younger, malleable males? No, it is not strange; it is simply the consequence of loneliness and accepting the only option available.

Friday, June 1, 2012

You Know What Really Grinds My Gears! Fat People...and Misappropriation of Descriptive Terms!

You Know What Really Grinds My Gears! Fat People...and Misappropriation of Descriptive Terms! (Ode to Family Guy)

Fat People really get on my nerves, and before you get defensive and start with Medical this, Genetic this, obviously not those sort of terribly unlucky Fat people. Just the rest. So Fat People and the associated Misappropriation of Descriptive Terms!

BBW: Big Boned Woman aka Lazy and Looking for an Excuse: In all my years of Study to become a Personal Trainer I never once stumbled across this Chapter. The BBW body shape. I read about Metamorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph...but sadly no BBWmorph. BBW are usually found in certain social groups, they self diagnose the events behind their weight. They often fail to recognise that their Diet consists of Fast Food, M&M's and they do NO exercise aside from walking to the Fridge.

Curvy: A Fat Person who has attempted to Hijack a Term used to Describe Latina Women and others with Similar Measurements. Curvy Women are not Fat. Curvy refers to the Ratio of Shoulder to Waist to Hip and Breast to Ass. It is possible to be 5'2, 10c and Curvy without being fat or be 5'11, 10dd and Curvy, or 4'10, 10b and Curvy. This figure is often similar to Playboys preferred 36/24/34 (Approximated). A woman with a Stick Figure is often  26/24/26, fairly Linear. Curvy does not have an Ethnic Distinction, whether Asian, Latin, European, Indian, African, Islander etc.

Overweight is Not Curvy...although there is a great deal of resemblance to Jelly and Donuts.

I imploy you...fat women...stop stealing descriptive terms that describe the hotter members of your gender! who look good in Bikini's!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

I Promise...Ill Never Cut You Off...the Sentence Done to Death...

The one sentence you hear alot on friendship is the following..."I Promise...Ill Never Cut You Off...

The question we mean it when we say it? I think alot of us hope we do, but then when it comes to the actual situation, can we live with those words? or have we heard it so many times that when someone who means it, actually says it, it doesnt instil any strength of belief?

The other question can we actually prove this to someone, until they push our buttons so much so, that we question this sentence ourselves. I put myself in that situation recently, bad week, bad day, frustrations and an eventual arguement. The arguement led to the end of a friendship, the other party used this type of sentence in their defence. That is a fair statement, they did not believe the integrity of the statement and obviously felt that I would never be able to keep that bargain. It was a very sad sad afternoon, I stared at the mirror and felt like banging my head on the wall. It didnt help, I think I sms'd and called them enough times to be considered a freaking stalker. *Note, generally calling a call 5-10 times in about 30mins and smsing 10+ times would easily qualify you for a stalker tag.

The frustration is, when you cancel on someone due to frustrations or you re-schedule, at what point is that considering cutting them off? In my own views and experiences it is simply an isolated annoyance amongst a multitude of positives. So why do they react this way, as if the world has ended?

I have not really managed to understand this mindset, perhaps I do not like to recognise it, or perhaps I have not given it enough time. One must understand how their previous experiences played out. Did someone cancel once, then cancel again, over and over until they walked away? Did they cancel once and then walk away? Who knows.

Is it smart to pre-emptively strike? and destroy a strong friendship? In some circumstances yes, in others no. I guess the question is, how confident do you feel in what you other the other party.

In this case I feel I offer more than anyone else, however there is a situation where the other parties fears and frustrations and memories overpower what you offer and you cannot find the meeting point to talk. At times one party may question the value within a friendship, this can be frustrating when options are given for them to display this, but their fears push them away.

What a confusing sentence. I need to ponder this.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Traditional Parenting: Authoritative Figure (Needs some EDITING)

The purpose of this article is to examine the benefits and consequences that the "Authoritative Parenting" model creates in modern globalised society. This article also offers the Authors viewpoint upon what correct Parenting should include and consist of. (Be aware that there is no comparison with a Modern approach, as this model is consistently vague due to the multitude of Parenting views in today's society.) This approach is used quite regularly in the majority of 2nd and 3rd World Countries and is still found in the 1st.

From the Authors experience, observation and discussion it is apparent that the Traditional Parenting Model is based upon the assertion that an Authoritative, Direction-Giving approach be applied. This Model leaves little room for dissent, negotiation, freedom of expression and thought and often results in unintended consequences; at times of average impact, but also possibly disastrous.

Historically this Model obviously flourished during a period in which Tradition, Morals, Family Values and Respect for Authority/Elders was prevalent. This Model worked consistently well in delivering and embedding triggers surrounding Authority and relied on the existing environment and culture in which
ALL children were raised in the same manner and showed the same types of Respect and thus had equally similar triggers. This existence allowed for a somewhat "Protectionist" view of the Children and Courtship, Family Arrangements were required for future events and Parental Discernment was possible.

The first consequence of this Model, in relation to modern society, is the creation and prevalence of "Authoritative" and at times "Subjugation" triggers in the Sub-conscious of the children. (More so, a highly negative event for females as opposed to males due to the nature of relationships and the general focus on male’s importance in these societies.)

The second issue, which has some relation to the first, is that this Parenting Model has fallen to the wayside in the majority of 1st World Economies, with the exception of places such as
Japan, HK, Singapore, and has done so as Parents focus more on other life aspects aside from Parenting. This Model has thus been substituted for approaches that create events that deliver less engrained respect for authority, earlier periods of self-determination, and a blasé attitude. The step away from the Traditional Model in these societies, acts to remove a previous layer of protection once present. This layer had been historically present due to respect given to Elders/Family/Peoples Personal Well Being, etc and its break-down allows for corruptive authoritative figures to interact and influence.

Combining and expanding on these two points together gives us a greater overview of the problems that arise. Sub-consciously, the ingrainment of an Authoritative trigger creates the willingness and openness to unintentionally gravitate towards a more dominant, aggressive, authoritative figure. This impact if often shown strongly within adolescent relationships that include a younger female/older male and at times within interracial relationships where one parties view dominates without dissent. This Model creates a willingness to accept and reduces and at times removes the ability to discern dangerous association, question authority, source outside views and develop the ability to confidently make decisions with all the information available. (A general requirement for happiness in Modern Society).

The more negative side-effects may include; a general lack of ability to make correct decisions, a need to control everything within the periphery (due to the removal of this exposure within adolescence), a fear at making incorrect decisions and regret, resentment for Authority and/or a extended need for a Authoritative figure to feel validated and comfortable, sexual validation/issues (due to corrupted views by new Authority figures) and an overall lack of self determination and self belief.

So if these consequences are an outcome, why is this trigger created and used?

This approach and the triggers, as mentioned earlier, require a society without negative corruptive influence. When Tradition meets Modern there is a problem. The usage of this approach creates a more streamlined system in which Parenting decision-making meets little argument and resources can be allocated as required. This also allows for third-parties to provide extended diligence and authority, it is designed to affect the future relationship between that of the Elders and Youth. Negativities aside, this trigger has its positive uses in regards to Employment, maintenance of a Collective Society, Family Strength, Loyalty and Commitment.

Further negative consequences are created due to the overlap and interaction of the two models. This is often shown within the families of International Students returning to their birth country after University Studies and also within Migrant Families who have relocated to the new Society and suddenly have an influx of external influences and views on Authority and Self Determination. The consequence of this is that Authoritative Figures tend to overtly enforce discipline, with an aim at forcing control for decision making back into their grasp. Frustrations and Conflicts often mount and there is a failure to see eye-to-eye, this frustration can drive the Child from the family. Authoritative Figures cite a lack of Respect and Maturity, while the Child argues about a lack of Reason, Negotiation, Self Rule and obvious Control from the Parent. This is highly prevalent in Children with Strong Personalities and Aggressive tendencies as they seek to expand themselves and protect what they have recently been exposed to, and learnt from.

So how? Or what creates these outcomes?

In order to understand these outcomes it would be important to have a definition for what "Appropriate Parenting" should entail. (Please note, this is the Authors own viewpoint). The overall purpose of Parenting is to nurture a level of self respect and morality within a child, to teach patience, determination, and self belief and to engrain the ability to make appropriate, confident decisions and discern outcomes and understand events as they take place, all within an expanding boundary and level of available discipline. This would be considered as a Mentoring/Guidance Figure, as opposed to an Authoritative Figure.

So does this mean that Parents basically let there child do as they wish? Or how can this be approached?

Lets call this approach; "the 3 E's; Expose, Expand, and Engrain", a repetitive requirement in parenting (up to the point where self-determination is available). Expose and Expand work in tandem with one another. However, in getting to this, it is important to understand that there is a requirement for discipline, boundaries and borders to be established; however it is exceedingly more important to realise that these boundaries are dynamic rather than static and require the ability to expand. Expansion is actually created by the child and caused by the Childs level of understanding for their environment and a displayed level of maturity within this area; this is the positive outcome of Exposing a child to new ideas and objects.

This display of maturity sub-consciously demands growth and greater exposure to new choices and situations, failure to understand this, or allow movement creates frustration and difficulty for growth for both the parent and child. Engrainment of the recent concepts is a sign of their readiness for expansion. (Please note that the Expose component is controlled by how much a Parent allows a child to be exposed to. The more choices and objects placed within a Childs periphery, the more confusion is possible. These changes over time as a Child’s ability to multi-task and understand patterns and intertwined relationships develops).

In exposing a child to various ideas, objects and concepts is it important to understand a number of issues;
1.        A child has no understanding of the concept of material composition; that is to say the child does not know the difference between glass and plastic. This is correct whether the child is 4 or 12 provided their has been no Exposure and Engrainment.
2.        A child has no understanding of the consequences from heat, fire, cold, wind, etc and this requires alot of patience in imparting these lessons.
3.        A child has little respect for tangible, inanimate objects.
4.        A child does not have a fear of dogs, or cats, or bugs, or spiders; the parent has a fear and this over-reaction and attitude becomes adopted by the child for no legitimate reason.
5.        A child picks up your self esteem, and body language and mimics ALL of that is it exposed to.
6.        A child is from you, and develops certain abilities and levels of intelligence, due to this connection. This is a consequence of cultural influence and thus they may lean towards certain views as opposed to others.

Acceptance of these 6 basics (there are alot more that could be added) gives a Parent the ability to assess and nurture. The reality is, allowing a child to make use of a glass versus a plastic cup comes down to patience and the imparting of a concept. The child needs to be taught/shown the outcomes and consequences of misuse of these items. I.e. break the cup deliberately and show them why care must be applied to avoid subsequent events. This is the fastest way to Expand/Expose/Engrain.

Provided these approaches are applied within Parenting, the outcome will be a child who is confident with choice and avoids numerous pitfalls in life. They will be willing to be Mentored and Guided, while considering themselves capable of certain challenges without fear. The added bonus is that their level of maturity grows and their own ability at discernment allows for Parents to provide less oversight and control and more encouragement and boundary setting/expanding.

In regards to multiple children; perceived favouritism (the Childs view as opposed to the parents) amongst siblings is a consequence of lazy, inefficient parenting and a failure to reset and restore required boundaries and borders for the younger generation. Thus this can cause tension between siblings. Positively this may result in greater growth and development for the younger party, however adversely this may result in exposure to concepts and events without the required discernment and maturity, i.e. the older siblings friendship circle, external attitudes, lifestyle, cultural views.


Power Dynamics: Version 1 (TBC)

Preface: In order to understand the following, it is important to make the connection that these concepts refer to events that exist within the Sub-Conscious, and not what can actually be visually seen physically through Conscious thought. This theory is overly based upon sensory and intangible aspects.

Power Dynamics refers to the role that Objects play in opposing one another, in this case, People. I theorise that People maintain a limited Range for what they can see about them, in regards to other people they come in contact with, or maintain a connection with. This Range, to be known as the "Range of Gaze" for the purpose of this paper, is area encompassing a parties of a Similar level of Self Esteem, to those a number of Points Below the Viewing Party. This range is thus based on the Self Esteem Levels and also includes a "Preferred Point" or Equilibrium which is required to be met as a minimum avoid an "Uncomfortable Range or Perspective".

The complicated matter is that these to Ranges and Preferences are actually inverted depending on the Level of Self Esteem. That is to say that a Party with HIGH Self Esteem Level will ultimately Seek to raise that of Party with a LOWER Self Esteem Level, while a Party with a LOW Self Esteem Level will seek to reduce that of similar or lower positioned Parties. Positive vs Negativity.

This theory can also be applied to that of "Peer Pressure" and "SadoMachochist Relationships"; which are ultimately a more twisted extension of "Peer Pressure" on a one-to-one basis. Peer Pressure exists when one Party who is on par or slightly stronger than another, applies a level of pressure in order to have a decision made that is for the most part; negative. This pressure is often to minimise the levels of guilt and/or conscience that arise due the event to be undertaken.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Bridges - Draft

Life and Relationships are like Bridge Building. We as people have an innate need to develop and build our Bridge and Connect the two sides together; the culmination of our existence. However, before this can be further expanded, there are a few important factors people must be aware of, to understand this concept. Firstly; this desire to build is innate, it is internal and subconscious and failure to do so or stagnation in the process leads to a great deal of anguish and less than ideal choices. i.e Depression, Suicide. Secondly, this desire requires some form of fulfillment, regardless of the Methods used, however the Quality of the Outcome can still be questionable. Thirdly, the most important, Men and Women are on opposing sides. Fourthly, it is both possible to build the Bridge and gain satisfaction within life alone and lastly, the Bridge can only be built in tandem with someone of the opposing gender.

In the beginning, we do not actually have any semblance of a Bridge, we slowly develop this and put in place the foundations as we move through Primary School and Early Childhood. Obviously just like a Bridge in development in regards to bearing load, a Person in the formative years lacks the experience, intelligence, age, maturity to connect and maintain a genuine connection that does not create damage to the Bridge.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Power Dynamics: edit

Power Dynamics is a term I would use to help explain and understand the relationship between all people, a possible derivative of the Law of the Jungle; without the eating and munching on one another of course.

So what do I mean by "Power Dynamics"? This concept refers to the position one person maintains in relation to another. Either Above or Below (Neurality in this regards may appear to exist on the surface as a form of equality, but a deeper examination would show that this is not the case, one party will always need to be be Above or Below the other party the interactions involve).

So what does define whether a person is Above or Below someone they interact with? This definition was traditionally defined through Age, Position, Seniority and things such as Family Placement; a view connected to Collectivism from earlier culture times. For example; The Baker was Above the Farmer, and Above the Maid, but Below the Knight or the Samurai. This Power Structure caused a gravitation effect for those below. However this traditional view thus has a diminished level of impact in the Power Dynamics of Modern Individualistically driven society.

So, if Age, Seniority, Position etc, no longer play a crucial role in this Structure, what does? The lead event that now plays the most importance is that of Intrinsic Self Esteem and Confidence. That is to say "the More Confidence a person is, the more power that are able to exert and influence they are able to express" and generally the Higher up that are considered by those around them, and thus more attractive and desired.
It is important to remember that for the most part, these are subconscious events and not something many people are aware of.

Considering that Intrinsic Confidence and Self Esteem are the key factors, what is it that defines Self Esteem? Self Esteem is an Innate Belief in one's abilities to "grasp Concept, Face Challenges with Success, Deliver  Performance with Consistency, and Exhibit above Avg Talent in a number of Interests". (there is likely a number of other expansions available, but this will do).

Self Esteem and Confidence are ever evolving. Traditional measurements still remain, such as; Masculinity, Feminity, Stature, Charisma, ect however today's society has expanded to include measures of abilities such as; Music, Art, Dancing, Mechanical Aptitude, Intelligence, Looks, Sporting Ability and so forth. As technology moves forward, as will this evolve again.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My Experience with Online Dating: A Case Study

My Experience with Online Dating: A Case Study.

Over a period of time, I decided that I would indulge in some Online Dating; for the perspective of gaining insight into what people (women) think, desire, project, aim for, and accept. The aim's of this paper is to examine a number of key view points and possible misconceptions, dissecting these statements and pointing out the weaknesses and ignorances of this approach.

In the time I have maintained a membership I have noticed a number of glaring statements; the basis for all of these lies within the person stating the desire, rather than with the recipients.

Two of the most notiable claims are as follows; "I want to meet a man who is single, and has no children." and "I want to meet a man who makes me number one and does not spend time with lots of girls."

In my eyes and experience both these views are laughable and rejection of them from a female perspective would bring more contentment than pain.

Let us examine the "Single Father viewpoint first".

The attitude towards Single Fathers and negativity is quite pathetic and immature, Males do not have complete control over conception and birth, this lies within the Females power. If a Male makes a mistake, he cannot always rectify this. However; he can be responsible, patient, open, nurturing, warm, calm and protective. The majority of Single Fathers who are the opposite to this are in fact scared, confused and unsure, they do not understand how to deal with these events and feel overwhelmed.

Secondly, the view regarding Males with Female friends. If someone is of Quality, a Standard, Intelligence and Experience then obviously they will be admired by a majority of people. This includes Women as friends. Women make statements about wanting to be all alone with a guy without realising one simple fact "A Male without Female friends, especially those of a Respectable Lifestyle and Nature are NOT the Quality that they assume." In short "If your bf only has yourself and no friends, he is a loser. No girl is going to try and steal him because they already see his flaws".

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Whats your Personality Type?


Daryl Brunt
Performance Frontiers
888-298-6227 • Copyright © 2006 NCS Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.
8 Mar 2012
Copyright © 2006 by NCS Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Daryl Brunt ENTZ

Self-awareness is the foundation of professional development and growth. Gain insight into your work personality by
carefully reviewing this report, which will help you develop a:
deeper understanding of your strengths and growth opportunities,
clearer picture of how your behavior impacts others, and
better appreciation for people's personal styles and how to interact with them effectively.

The Golden Personality model is based on four core personality dimensions. Personality is the essence of who you are
as a unique individual. It is reflected in what you say, how you feel about yourself, how you act, and how you choose to
live your life. Knowing your personality characteristics will help you better understand your actions, feelings, and
relationships with others. People typically favor one aspect of each of the following four dimensions. Keep in mind that
preferring one versus another aspect is not right or wrong, better or worse. Rather, these preferences indicate ways of
behaving that come most naturally to us.
Extraverting: energy directed externally toward people and things.
Where you focus your energy
Introverting: energy directed inward toward thoughts and ideas.
Sensing: process information in an exact, detailed, and literal manner.
How you gather information
Intuiting: process information in a symbolic and global fashion.
Thinking: make decisions based on logic and rationality.
How you make decisions
Feeling: make value-based decisions based on empathy and compassion.
Organizing: planned, organized, and orderly approach.
How you approach life
Adapting: open-ended, flexible, and emergent approach.

Global Personality Style
Portrait of Your Type ............................. 3
Summary of Your Global Results .......... 4
Map of Sixteen Types ........................... 6
Your Work Personality
Likely Strengths .................................... 7
Growth Opportunities ............................ 8
Communication and Team Work .......... 9
Motivation and Learning ....................... 10
A Deeper Look
Your Facet Results ............................... 11
Response to Daily Stressors ................ 15
Summary Report .......................................... 16
Copyright © 2006 by NCS Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.
3 Daryl Brunt ENTZ

Portrait of Your Type

Extraverted, iNtuiting, Thinking, organiZing.

[SEE Picture]


Personality Types

There are 16 different
personality types. You are
an ENTZ.

Summary of Global Results

Your global results provide insight to how the four different dimensions of your personality work together to form your
personality type. The results indicate your level of preference for each of two opposite scales. A strong preference is not
necessarily better than a slight preference, or vice versa - the preferences simply indicate how strongly you favor certain
behaviors versus others. You may have relatively equal preference, but slightly favor one scale.

Your Type is
Where you focus your energy:
How you gather information:
How you make decisions:
How you approach life:

focuses attention externally toward people and things
enjoys being sociable, talkative, and gregarious
enjoys discussions more than reading
active rather than reflective
focuses attention inward on thoughts and ideas
prefers a few close friends to many acquaintances
likes to reflect on ideas before sharing them
needs quiet time away from action and noise
0 25 50 75 100
Strength of Response

You have a Strong preference for Extraverting.
processes information in an exact, detailed, and literal fashion
lives in the present, prefers facts – what is known
focuses on practical issues and topics
processes information in a symbolic and global fashion
lives for the future, prefers theory – what is possible
focuses on big picture issues and topics
0 25 50 75 100
Strength of Response
You have a Clear preference for iNtuiting.
Copyright © 2006 by NCS Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.
5 Daryl Brunt ENTZ

Summary of Global Results

You have a Strong preference for Thinking.
makes decisions based on logic and rationality
prefers to deal in objective reason and logic
does not get personally involved in his/her decisions
focuses on how a decision will impact others
makes decisions based on person-centered values
gets personally involved in his/her decisions
0 25 50 75 100
Strength of Response

You have a Clear preference for organiZing.
prefers an orderly, organized and planned lifestyle
likes to make decisions and reach closure
prefers systematic approaches
prefers a flexible, open-ended and emergent lifestyle
holds off deciding until there is more information
prefers spontaneity and limited structure
0 25 50 75 100
Strength of Response

Copyright © 2006 by NCS Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.
6 Daryl Brunt ENTZ
Map of Sixteen Types
Brief descriptions of the sixteen types enable you to see how your personality style differs from others. Keep in mind
there are no "good" or "bad" types. The sixteen types can also be grouped into four higher-level clusters called
ENTZ and your temperament is
The four temperaments show how some personality types are more similar than others. You are an

SA Efficient and Resourceful
quiet and reserved
efficient and expedient
interested in how and why
keenly observe
cool observers of life

quietly friendly, modest and
free spirited
loyal followers
keen senses
idealists with high
can be totally absorbed in
action of the moment

adaptable realists who ride
with the tide
highly observant of
enjoy the fast lane
masterful at moving things
in their direction

warm, friendly, charming,
hands-on problem solvers
life of the party
enjoy life's simple

NF Imaginative and Innovative
deeply caring and idea
encourage growth and
development with quiet
absorbed in projects

quietly determined
concerned for others'
focus inner thoughts on
helping others
put creative effort into their

enthusiastic, charming,
naturally curious and
fascinated by relationships
around them
know everyone

responsive and responsible
outgoing, energetic and
warmly enthusiastic
catalysts who enjoy
drawing out the best in
practical and realistic
value productivity and
excel at bringing order to
enjoy management

sociable, supportive and
active team participant
use interpersonal skills to
maintain important
helpful toward others

serious, traditional and
task-oriented, no nonsense
work to conserve the
resources of the group
excellent follow-through

dependable and
sympathetic, quiet and
polite and tremendously

SZ Responsible and Reliable
creative, confident thinkers
intellectual and outspoken
argue both sides of issues
good at juggling many balls

direct and strategic
confident and well-informed
frank and decisive
natural organization
builders and leaders

strongly defined interests
skilled with logic
single minded focus on
topics of interest
enjoy theory, science, ideas

independent thinkers
develop strategy based on
a clear vision
emphasize competency
high achievement drive

NT Competent and Visionary

Likely Strengths
You are likely to possess strengths (i.e., behaviors, skills, and competencies) that are common to your personality type.
Review the strengths listed below and note those that are true for you. It is important to identify which strengths come
naturally to you, as these are assets that you can leverage in your work environment.


Contributions to an Organization
Can be frank, decisive, and tough-minded with people.
Generates results with lots of energy.
Is open to new ideas or strategies that allow moving forward quickly.
Is unafraid of change.
Excels in environments going through tough times; delights in mental challenges and solving interesting
Formulates commanding, thoughtful, and precise plans.
Readily and joyfully tackles confusion and inefficiency.
Rarely takes no for an answer.
Is highly strategic in choosing the direction for an organization or project.

Leadership Style
Is logical, decisive, and unafraid of unpopular decisions and taking risks.
Wants independent and free-thinking colleagues and employees; seeks to be challenged by others in thinking or
Takes pride in treating people well and utilizing resources to the maximum.
Focuses on results, accomplishing the long-term vision, and what it will take to get there.
Generates energy and enthusiasm for work.
Manages people directly instead of indirectly.
Objectively approaches situations, goals, and the tasks at hand.
Where can you best use your strengths?

Questions to Consider:
In what situations or roles are your strengths most valuable?

Growth Opportunities
You may also have growth opportunities - weaknesses or undeveloped skills - that are common to your personality type.
Review the growth opportunities listed below and note which are true for you. Identifying growth opportunities helps you
increase self-awareness and minimize blindspots.


Remember to focus on the details, emotions, and values.
Take into account all sides before making a decision.
Let other people contribute their leadership ideas.
Slow down once in a while—mistakes may occur when making decisions too quickly.
Be sensitive to the needs and imperfections of people; consider others, provide praise, and show appreciation.
Recall situations where you could have been more effective.

Questions to Consider:
What could you have done differently?
How will new skills change your work performance?

Communication and Teamwork
Effective work environments are based on effective communication and team work. The communication style and team
preferences listed below are typical of your type. Consider whether they are true for you.

Demonstrates pleasure in deliberating the pros and cons of various options.
Is direct and to the point, and becomes impatient with extraneous details.
Persuades with objective passion, decisiveness, and a logical ordering of the facts.
Persuades through cool, logical reasoning, rather than emotions or personal values.
Replies quickly with impromptu responses.
Speaks with energy, excitement, and enthusiasm.
Demonstrates brevity, preciseness, succinctness, and analysis in all communications.
Prefers communicating about issues in person rather than through writing.
When is your communication style most effective? Least effective?

Questions to Consider:
What do you contribute to a team?
How could you be more effective?

Becomes irritated when others do not display the same level of commitment toward time.
Is not interested in discussing an issue after closure has been reached.
Is frustrated by anything that wastes time, resources, and does not contribute to the goal.
Sometimes appears too overpowering or controlling to other team members.
Brings total dedication to a project.
Contributes by focusing on the long-term, being goal-oriented, and delivering results.
Is adept at finding flaws in proposed solutions.

Motivation and Learning
Your motivation is what drives your work satisfaction and productivity. Understanding your motivation enables you to
seek situations or tasks that best fit your personality. Learning style preferences help you recognize how you learn best.
Below are motivators and preferred learning styles associated with your type. Review each and consider whether they
are true for you.


Prefers situations where his or her vision is implemented.
Seeks efficient systems and people, or the opportunities to create such.
Avoids situations where his or her freedom to marshal people, forces, and resources together is missing.
Enjoys situations requiring tough-mindedness, strategy, and a long-term focus.
Seeks out opportunities to acquire more knowledge.
Thrives when his or her hunger for problem solving is satisfied.
In your current work, when are you most motivated? Least motivated?

Questions to Consider:
How do you learn best?

Learns best with an instructor who is well organized.
Enjoys debate and verbal critiques of his or her work.
Prefers for learning to be a major way to move a career forward.
Looks for action and variety in the classroom; is interested in how information will affect the future.
Copyright © 2006 by NCS Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.
11 Daryl Brunt ENTZ

A Deeper Look: Extraverting vs. Introverting
0 25 50 75 100
Strength of Response

animated and expressive; sociable and gregarious; opens up to others.
calm and serene; private and personal; hesitant to self-disclose or show feelings.
Socially Bold
0 25 50 75 100
Strength of Response

Socially Bold:
friendly and outgoing; initiates conversations; comfortable leading; likes public speaking.
shy and retiring; prefers others to initiate; follows others’ lead; dislikes public speaking.
0 25 50 75 100
Strength of Response
has a wide circle of friends; dislikes working alone; enjoys meeting many people.
has a few close friends; enjoys working alone; can concentrate for long periods of time.
0 25 50 75 100
Strength of Response

active and energetic; seeks stimulating activities; prefers to learn through discussion.
values peace and quiet; needs solitude to reflect and recharge; prefers to learn by reading.

A Deeper Look: Sensing vs. iNtuiting

0 25 50 75 100
Strength of Response

deals with tangible facts and “what is” rather than “what could be”; likes to work out details.
enjoys ideas and possibilities; values imagination; bored by details.
0 25 50 75 100
Strength of Response

prefers established methods to achieve end results; dislikes improvising.
0 25 50 75 100
Strength of Response

values customs and traditions; follows accepted practices; dislikes standing out.
values inspiration, uniqueness, and originality; comfortable appearing unconventional.
likes variety and new ideas; enjoys resolving a crisis with a novel situation.
0 25 50 75 100
Strength of Response

predictable and established; careful with facts; opposes changes for sake of change.
focuses on change and the big picture; seeks new trends; becomes bored with routine.
expressing your type.
might expect based on your global results. These "Out of Pattern" preferences help you gain insight into your unique way of
Out of Pattern:
Each facet has two opposite scales. For a given facet, you may favor a scale that is opposite to what you
Out of Pattern
Copyright © 2006 by NCS Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.
13 Daryl Brunt ENTZ
fair, impartial, objective, and independent; more task- than relationship-oriented.

A Deeper Look: Thinking vs. Feeling

0 25 50 75 100
Strength of Response

decisions based on logical analysis; impersonal problem solving style.
decisions based on values and person-centered principles; empathetic problem solving style.
0 25 50 75 100
Strength of Response
considers feelings, beliefs and needs of others; more relationship- than task-oriented.

values logic and scientific principles in decision making; analytical style.
0 25 50 75 100
Strength of Response
values warmth and compassion in decision making; personable style.

critical, skeptical, tough-minded style; enjoys a good argument.
0 25 50 75 100
Strength of Response
cooperative, accepting and supportive style; prefers harmony and dislikes confrontation.
expressing your type.
might expect based on your global results. These "Out of Pattern" preferences help you gain insight into your unique way of
Out of Pattern:
Each facet has two opposite scales. For a given facet, you may favor a scale that is opposite to what you
Out of Pattern

punctual, responsible, orderly; early starter who gets things done.

A Deeper Look: organiZing vs. Adapting

0 25 50 75 100
Strength of Response
likes schedules and closure; emphasizes planning, anticipating contingencies, and organization.
0 25 50 75 100
Strength of Response
comfortable with diversions; energized by deadlines; procrastinates; works well under pressure.

exact, cautious, risk-avoidant, and goal-oriented; prefers a settled, non-impulsive lifestyle.
0 25 50 75 100
Strength of Response
changeable and opportunistic; comfortable taking risks; sometimes impulsive.

prefers security, stability and structure; most effective with clear goals and direction.
0 25 50 75 100
Strength of Response
prefers freedom to develop own rules and goals; works effectively without structure.
expressing your type.
might expect based on your global results. These "Out of Pattern" preferences help you gain insight into your unique way of
Out of Pattern:
Each facet has two opposite scales. For a given facet, you may favor a scale that is opposite to what you
Out of Pattern
likes working things out as they unfold; emphasizes adaptability and flexibility.

Response to Daily Stressors
It is important to understand how you respond to stress in your daily life. Your results on the global and facet scales
indicate how you typically react to stress.

unsure and cautious
uncertain about the likely consequences of actions
worries about things that cannot be changed
concerned about the opinions of others
optimistic and self-confident
unconcerned about what others think
calm and relaxed where others might be worried
does not dwell on things that cannot be changed

0 25 50 75 100
Strength of Response

worries about the future and unpredictable events; takes insensitive remarks personally.
0 25 50 75 100
Strength of Response
comfortable being in unfamiliar or unpredictable situations; shrugs off insensitive comments.

hesitant, easily embarrassed, and relatively concerned about what others may think.
0 25 50 75 100
Strength of Response
decisive, confident, and relatively unconcerned about what others may think.

Summary Report
Quiet 38 8
Talkative 48 10
Reserved 0 0
Socially Bold 75 18
Intimate 29 6
Outgoing 38 8
Reflective 24 5
Participative 62 13
0 25 50 75 100
Strength of Response
Empathetic 8 2
Rational 88 21
Compassionate 43 9
Autonomous 10 2
Warm 0 0
Analytic 100 24
Nurturing 13 3
Competitive 58 14
0 25 50 75 100
Strength of Response


Abstract 17 5
Concrete 50 15
Innovative 67 16
Practical 0 0
Visionary 67 14
Conventional 14 3
Trendsetting 60 9
Traditional 0 0
0 25 50 75 100
Strength of Response
Open-Ended 59 16
Planned 26 7
Casual 3 1
Reliable 69 25
Spontaneous 33 9
Deliberate 41 11
Nonconforming 11 2
Conforming 50 9
0 25 50 75 100
Strength of Response


CALM 73 35
TENSE 10 5
Optimistic 76 16
Concerned 10 2
Confident 70 19
Unsure 11 3
0 25 50 75 100
fStrength of Response Out of Pattern